Is the new mount from Final Fantasy?

I’m not saying that fat cat is out of place for FFXIV. I’m saying the WoW mount doesn’t look like the FFXIV cat mount.


That thing looks like it doesn’t belong in WoW.
Great design and all, but not for this game.
Yeti PJ’s just took a back seat as the most out of place cosmetic in the game.


thanks for the official link. 1.2k downvotes.


It’s a lynx kitty,we don’t have them in this game.

I do not think the angry chicken mount falls into this category. This is more like something a little kid would come up with if you asked them what kind of mount they’d like to ride.

What OP meant was, “Is this what Blizzard’s vision of a FF14 mount” in an attempt to get people who have moved over to FF14 to spend $25 in WoW. I see it as a Meme… Blizzard doesn’t have time to deliver actual game content, but they do have time to make a giant purring kitty mount to sell in their store. :joy: :rofl: :joy:


Edit: nevermind, I see they changed the mount’s name from Sunwarmed Purrkin to Sunwarmed Furrline.

The mount’s name, “Purrkin”, is what Brokers (the candleheaded people in Shadowlands) call their cats:

The Broker cats look very different from the new mount. But, maybe that’s a clue as to the origin of this new mount, that it is not from Azeroth. :woman_shrugging:

A Broker “purrkin”:

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It’s funny that FF14 has literal whale mounts in their store.


Yeah if this was created in FFXIV, it would be halloween event mount reward. Last year they even gave us a snowman mount you stay inside and looks like a normal snowman when not flying, its hilarious.


The new mount doesn’t look anymore out of place than a rat or robot mount.


No, Chinese New Year.

That’s hilarious!

Have you see hawkstriders? Look the blood elf mount was effectively a knockoff chocobo and an argument could be made that felt out of place. People complain when say gnomes/goblins were added and said steampunk was out of place in Warcraft. Same thing with draenei and spaceships.

My point is things feel out of place all the time in in Warcaft, until they are not(which is because it is a relatively malleable franchise). And like it or not Blizzard is using “cute” mounts for many of the less lore related mounts(as an example Sarge from Hearthstone being a mount follow the same cute guidelines)

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You cannot compare a hawkstrider to a giant kitty mount that purrs. For one thing, hawkstriders are actually wild animals in WoW. Same goes with goblins/gnomes, they’ve been in the lore and in the case of goblins they’ve been in the game since the beginning.

This is just a giant purring cute floofy kitty cat that if you’d ask a 3 year old, they’d say that’s the mount they want added to the game.

This is just one big meme and I think it is hilarious that the developers release it right as they are sanitizing aspects of the game instead of developing new quality content.

Wild animals in WoW that were a FF reference. There is also a Yuffie Kisaragi reference in WoW. They’ve referenced a lot of pop culture over the years.

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They were not a thing until they hawstriders were added in BC. They were literally added for Blood elves.

The gnomes/goblins were added in Warcraft 2. And as mentioned some Warcraft fans at the time derided them because they did not want steampunk elements in their Medieval game.(luckly Blizzard didnt agree with them)

Or you know people like cute things. There are people who have been asking for cat(and dog mount although we have gotten one of those already) for a long while now.

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I would have loved a new cat mount but I agree there’s just something off about it.

I think the eyes remind me of this cat


My guess is the model will be used again in a future patch. But it won’t be a normal looking cat. Some WoW twist.

I mean it looks pretty. Haven’t decided whether or not id buy it to use on leveling toons that are girls but I do like the design.

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I wish it had wings, even just magical ones. The “walking on air” thing looks goofy on anything that’s not a horse/deer/ungulate.

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