Is the "Meta" classes killing the game?

Literally every season we see a couple classes that just totally dominate and a huge majority of players switch over to the new ‘meta’ class because it’s so much easier to get into m+ groups/raids, and I understand that with a huge talent system that is so different, that this problem is a hard one to address but honestly, it really ruins the game! This past exodia comp just really put a highlight on an already existing problem. The obvious answer is class balance and I believe they try, but honestly I think it needs to be more, there’s no reason there couldn’t be weekly or bi-weekly tuning changes instead of making sweeping and huge changes that runs classes into the ground, let them be good for a month or 2 than nerf them into oblivion! And than other classes that barely get any attention at all is another issue. But back to my main point, I really believe that having so much disparity between classes has become very detrimental to the game! And I don’t care how amazing and beautiful the world content is, or even if there’s a whole bunch of cool things to do, the vehicle in which we enjoy this game is our characters and the classes they are, and it feels so bad to not be able to do certain content or even if you do, you are so far behind in numbers that it’s just not fun.


A “huge majority” of players don’t switch classes constantly. It’s a very tiny number of elitists that do that. And they are going to do that no matter what game they are playing, or how good the balance is. If something is 0.001% better they will say nothing else is viable.

Speaking for myself, I’m not switching classes/specs for any reason. And anyone that tells me to will get immediately told where they can stick it.


M+ will always be doomed to the meta. The game isn’t balanced for 5m content. Not that you can’t do anyway +20s easily with any comp, pretty sure 5 tanks at this point could. I would recommend playing a class that can tank or heal if you’re gonna pug most of the time as this is the best way to get into groups if you aren’t meta.

Na they don’t, maybe the +25 and up crowd does…the + 20 and under just play what they want

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Nah. The player’s over-reliance on the “Meta” when it’s not needed is what makes everything so rough. I would say every class/spec can go up into the low 20s with no problem. So its silly for anyone to be excluded before that point.



Yep…if you aren’t in one of the big world first raiding guilds like Method (are they even around anymore?) none of that is ever necessary. It’s only necessary for them because they are pushing cutting edge content while severely undergeared and need every advantage they can possibly get. For that situation, 0.1% can be the difference between success and a wipe. But to say players like that are an extreme minority is putting it mildly.

Biting at Liquid’s and Echo’s heels in the last few WF races.

Ah…well even those guys don’t play like that full time (meta specs). Only during the world first race for each tier.

All games have a meta if you going full tryhard or actually competing to be the best


Every season of the game since Vanilla has seen “meta” classes. This isn’t new nor killing the game. And no, it’s not a “huge majority” that switch.

It’s never been this bad in all of M+ history & yes this is very unhealthy for the game.


Not true. The difference is huge. Break the meta is doing 28s, exodia is doing 33s. This means Exodia is like 47% more effective than a full non-meta comp. If it were even a 3% difference between comps people would consider this great balance.


Pretty sure their point was that the people who chase the meta will always say that the meta is the best and anything else isn’t viable because a lot of people don’t understand the difference between the word viable and the word optimal.

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I played a ret paladin, widely considered “meta,” earlier in the expansion. I got bored with it after filling all my gear with fyrakk drops and never winning a roll on a single piece of genuinely useful gear after like a month of LFR.

I quit right about the time the catalyst opened. This game has been so barren this expansion as a solo/not-so-instance-playing character.

Now I resubbed just to play this (frost) mage, widely not considered “meta.”

It’s almost like some of us don’t care about the “meta.” I know I certainly don’t.

Sure, and I am saying if the difference were not so huge, those people would call the other things “viable.” By “viable” they mean viable for the competitive level, which is where most people who complain about class balance play. I agree that viable and optimal are different, but it is reasonable to say that MM for example is unviable for competitive play because not a soul will group with them for m+30 let alone a world first key.

No they wouldn’t. I’ve seen tons of people call comps and classes that are clearly viable, (viable meaning it can clear high enough to get the best possible rewards from the content, not to be confused with something like +33s) unviable because it wasn’t the best. Because again, a lot of people seem to not know the difference between the words viable and optimal.

Now granted, once you start getting past +15, things start to become unviable, but that’s a different conversation to what the meta chasers say.

More-so around 23’s. That’s just starting, not fully unviable.

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No as usual it is the players themselves. There is 0% chance perfect balance will ever be achieved, but 100% chance the no life mythic raiding tryhard crowd will always min max the game around whatever performs best and the no life but not nearly as good tryhards who think they are on par will mimic them despite never reaching levels of play where such min max performance is actually ever needed.

Edit - Those that try and demand the meta despite never coming close to doing content levels where they actually need the literal tippy top tiers of output/performance are the actual problems in WoW.

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There was literally a point in this season where you were hard-locked out of any 20+ key unless you were an exodia comp spec. Nobody would even consider inviting outside of meta.

Class balance has never been butchered this badly before - the raiderio rankings don’t lie.