Let’s not touch those three religions with a 10 foot pole especially what’s going on in the world currently and the illegal annexations of territories by certain people and their desire to end the line of a fictional tribal justification for extermination. Just as in WoW we like to imagine wiping out the trolls for their perceived crimes. So does this certain group of people wish to do the same to another and take their lands. lives and culture. Is that not wrong in your eyes? Whether to trolls or elves or humans… no people deserve extermination by another.
I would recommend we don’t defend any religion because all religions are bad. Even the least violent force you to use to justify magical thinking is wrong. Dogmatism and the inevitable evils that come from it. If your deity in the magical book requires you to destroy your enemy, their children and their babies… Deus vult? Crusades whether Scarlet or otherwise? On and on.
No god deserves our obedience and worship. No religion is a religion of peace for if any religion requires you to act any way that is against your nature or tells you who you can love and tells you that too is a wrong. Only by depending on our conscience and what we think is best in the idea of the be good do good mentality do we realize the evils of religions. All religions should be seen for what they are systems of control and abuse.
Can’t speak to other religions but Christianity when corrupted by people can of course be used to commit horrendous acts, as with any ideology whether secular or not.
How involved are you with the Christian faith, specifically Catholicism? Do you attend regular mass? Confession? Study the Catechism and apply Jesus’ teachings daily? Pray daily? Have you studied Christian theology? Are you an active member in your local Parish community?
If you don’t resonate with most of the above acts you probably have a misinformed or skewed perception of what actual Christianity is, which isn’t uncommon these days unfortunately.
Societies based on christian-Judeo values are doing just fine.
The Pope has given authority for same sex couples to be blessed, so please don’t associate Christianity with extreme hateful rhetoric.
Nobody can deny the existence of Jesus Christ. He’s as much a historical figure as he is religious.
Again, study the Catechism and attend regular mass if you want to actually learn about Christianity.
Not spewing hate or anything, just tired of people having an opinion about something they’re not really apart of or are unqualified to speak about.
Let’s just stick to specific World of Warcraft stuff. I know you were just replying to someone who introduced actual Catholicism so I’m really not trying to be mean or anything.
It’s heavily implied Irridikron will show up again in the Last Titan, so you may get your wish.
You’re right, they did. Though the Scarlet Crusade are way overused and the plot holes just keep increasing with them. In fact, at this point their continued existence as a group we need to fight is becoming a plot hole.
Did you forget our past discussions? Saying morality is subjective is itself an objective moral statement and therefore objective morality, remember? You’re like the Jedi saying “Only a Sith deals in absolutes”
And I say both Sylvanas and Arthas should’ve both gotten the same treatment.
So a criminal can avoid arrest for a crime by saying the word “no”? A criminal resisting arrest is “defending their autonomy”?
If morality were truly subjective, supporting her actions would be equally as valid as opposing them, thus neither side could criticize the other. And for someone who talks a big game about subjective morality, you’re using objective morality on the subject of autonomy.
Is it hard to see from up there on your high horse? If only you knew the horrors of the “enlightened” antireligious regimes, or at least more about religion than what r/atheism claims.
I’m just going to post on this once and then leave. But in my opinion, religion isn’t the problem—human nature is.
If you abolish religion, people will just kill each other over politics or anything else that makes them tribal. Heck, people have killed each other over sports teams.
Religious wars make up less than 10% of recorded wars in human history (approx 7%. Speaking of specific religions, that number drops by nearly half when Islamic wars - not Christian, Islamic - are removed).
No it’s just a statement period. An objective statement about morality is not a moral statement.
Illidan may have been guilty of many things but X’era was not execurting judgement but laying her own kind of binding just as Sargeras had done previously.
A statement about personal autonomy is just that…I make the subjective decision to believe that no one has the right to impose themselves on another. A criminal is defined as someone who has violated another person and deemed to be a threat to society as a whole so the agents of society are empowered to remove them as a threat. X’era can not make any claims to be an agent of any binding society.
I don’t discuss morality period, I’m not an advocate because my morality is purely subjective… not something to be preached or imposed on anyone else. My adherence to a social contract is not a moral decision, it is part of my desire to engage in a social manner.
Since all the cosmic forces are just artificial constructs put in place by the “First Ones” to govern the universe I hope they are all on the chopping block so we can return the universe to it’s proper natural state.
I’ll just say to those with an anti religious bent should actually try spending time amongst actual religious people. The majority of us are normal people just living our lives and trying to make it on a day to day basis.
And please stop believing everything y’all read on twitter and Reddit. It’s all misinformation for the most part. Other than that, lets keep things to WoW as it should be
My point was saying “no” doesn’t always excuse a person from something - it depends on the situation.
And yet you preach and impose the idea that Xe’ra was wrong. You contradict yourself and practice mental gymnastics to make objective moral statements while denying they exist. You’re either too proud to admit you’re wrong or making poor attempts at gaslighting.
Its proper natural state would mean getting rid of Azeroth and all humans, orcs, elves, goblins, dwarves, draenei…
Before the universe, it was either just the Light or the First Ones.
Plenty did. Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood was a part of a lot of people’s childhood.
The problem isn’t religious people. It’s people claiming to be religious people, and then using out of context quotes from various scripture to justify their ideologies of hate and prejudice. It’s people misled by false priests out for money and power, believing their faith makes them superior because a, “man of God,” tells them it does. Its people believing their religion gives them the right to commit genocide against groups they don’t like.
I’ve never once heard anyone bash on Mr. Roger’s for being a Christian. Joel Olsteen, on the other hand, well… enough said I suppose. To quote Sesame St. “Once of these things is not like the other…”
At this point, it’s a bit like saying, “Guns don’t kill people. People with guns kill people.”
Those whom follow their religion are never known or seen, because they don’t use it in an attempt to control others. They live their lives by their religion without expecting others to. At most, they hope to set a good example.
So, all anyone see’s is the bad actors using it to justify discrimination, hate, and more. It’s a bit paradoxical in a way, because the true practitioners of a religion don’t really have any guidance in their scripture on how to deal with those whom abuse it, other than, “And in the afterlife they’ll get their comeuppance.”
Forcing yourself on anyone is a wrongful abridgement of their personal space, at least according to the values I hold. A value I hope that I would share with many of the posters on this forum. A value however you don’t apparently share. I would not let anyone who didn’t share that value within arm’s reach of me.
It’s that extremist mentality of Xe’ra that I dislike strongly. She has no understanding of consent and people not liking someone else’s views being forced on them. In this case, quite literally for Illidan. He did what the majority of us would have done in his position