Is The Jailer Sylvanas' Boyfriend?

She seemed pretty capable in Dark Mirror.

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You just sounded like Neil Degrasse

Intellectual big words,

Enlighten us more why don’t ya

The biggest word I used there was tonsillitis.

well then you’re some Shakespeare Neil degrass pope then

What are you doing, and can you stop doing it?

You absolute fool. The Jailer isn’t Sylvanas’s boyfriend, he’s her sugar daddy.

Oh, you’re in online classes too? Gang gang.

I’m also only quoting you in this so you can read my above reply to Spuds. Thank you.

Nathanos dips Sylvanas into a kiss at the finale of Shadowlands, Patch 9.3: Elune Gets Ganked, in the most expensive and sexually-charged cinematic in Blizzard history, with a production cost of $50,000,000 and over 10,000 man hours pumped into it like a bloated, sickly fois gras goose on its way to Gordon Ramsay’s kitchen.

They break apart and lock gazes. Sylvanas’s head turns to regard the gathered legendary heroes: Anduin, Genn Greymane, Prophet Velen, Illidan who’s on vacation from Argus, Kael’thas, Baine in a funny hat, some whiny chicks, Saurfang in sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt, Zekhan who’s propping him up, and those other characters no one cares about. They’re all here.

Vozul’s eyes well with tears as she watches Sylvanas pull Nathanos close for another makeout sesh not ten yards from her former political enemies and allies, whom can’t look away because they haven’t been scripted to. The orc lets her bouquet of red roses drop from her hands and wanders off, a deflated silhouette, into the cold night. Nathanos has won.


But if she gets ganked in 9.3, how exactly does Elune die though?

I predict an evil Elune being knocked out of the sky by a Horde catapult.


Either way it does NOT look good for Nate. Personally, I imagine when Sylvanas first laid eyes on that absolute CHAD The Jailer, and his chiseled body, her face and eyes lit up, raw uncontrollable lust and passion that she didn’t even know she could still feel with the whole…well, you know… undead thing… Nathanos def couldn’t make her feel that.

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