Is The Horde Even Worth Salvaging At This Point? Should We Just Give Up?

It should be revealed that the power of the Black Dragonflight was too dissipated by the non-Dragon aspect Thrall wielding it in Cata and the black dragons themselves are too depleted to be able to fulfill their obligations even with the renewed oathstone. It’ll also be discovered that the accumulated damage of the Cataclysm, Sargeras’s sword, and all the corrupting powers over the recent years had harmed Azeroth to the point that the earth is going to become more and more inhospitable to life.

The Horde at the same time will start realizing that their idea for a Horde council was correct in spirit, as the perspective or self interest of one racial leader holding authority over the other throws off the balance of the Horde, but they’ll also realize the need for a wise central leader to keep them united.

The two goals will overlap, Ebyssian will assume the mantle of Warchief of the Horde and the Horde will form the bulk of the Earthwarders whose new mission is to repair and protect the Lands of Azeroth.

And then he turns evil and destroys Ironforge.

Oh, it could have just been the one time. I thought there was a thing during one of the war campaign quests where him and Thalyssra were talking and he implied he might leave. Rexxar was there. But I could be misremembering.

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I don’t recall that, personally. As far as I know, Garrosh is the one time he considered leaving the Horde due to the similarities with Garithos before Jaina and Vereesa pulled a Garithos themselves. He’s consistently been for the Horde both before and after, hell he was going all in about how the Horde is awesome on the Isle of Thunder.


Yeah, I’m trying to find anything resembling what my brain is telling me absolutely happened, and I think I’m confusing two different quests and inserting Lor’themar into it for some reason. I cannot find any evidence of what my crazy brain is certain happened. I think I’m just plain wrong.

My bad, it only did happen the one time!!

That depends. Do you think the Horde will play a larger role? Then you set yourself for disappointment. Blizzard forgets the Horde exists even in the big goblin themed patch. To fix this problem you would need to take a look at all patches done for the alliance in the past and copy that over.