A noticed any time someone in the forums mentions boost, bots, wintraders, etc. The fox warrior magically appears to adamantly swear that none of that is happening. That much defending looks suspicious…
if ur talking about kennie he’s pretty nuts at the game
Heyos. Usually I’m just trying to shed light on what people think they’re seeing, which is sometimes rmt/boosting/wintrading, just…very rarely.
This is the Foxmans home, you’re just visiting.
Have you seen his post count? He’s the tom bombadil of the forums (albeit with less singing).
More like Saruman.
He boosts forum posters for likes.
I have a confession. I boosted Kennie.
He couldn’t reach the peanut butter on the top shelf of the pantry so I had him hop on my shoulders and gave him a little lift. It couldn’t be helped.
Kennie (based foxxo) maintains a positive ratio though, unlike some. Having more posts than you have achievement points is the hallmark of a loser.
Obviously the propagation of the loser status increases as the discrepancy grows, capping out at posts exceeding 150% of achievement points.
I sold Kennie r1
He doesn’t even play the game. He has a second account he win trades on as tank. He only “plays” 3s with known RMT boosters like remi
Funny how you defend him tho. You’re probably a rat too.
Or maybe’s hes right.
It might be wintrading, rmt boosting, big arena keeping us down OR…
Youre making dogwater plays costing you games and youd rather cry here then press your god damn wall 3 seconds earlier.
Source: i make dogwater plays all the time. I really need more rmt boosters to preserve my ego.
RMT and win trading are very real things. Some r1 streamer priest came out and said he made 100k a year working 15 hour days. That’s just one person. It’s literally a multi million industry.
The gremlins you see defending boosting/win trading benefit from it by getting free boost, or clout by being friends with those players(boosters).
Kennie runs the boost black market
You ever heard of beedie? Kennie put him in the ground for coming to close to the truth
in my day we sold teams with 7 wins and let the buyers grenade the last 3 so they got a bigger conq gain for gold
we never sold shoulders/wep. never did rmt. only a few rats did pilots that everyone refused to play with
funny how fast the rats run to cheese
Poor guy. He didn’t even see it coming. The last thing he heard after the power was cut and he was surrounded by complete darkness:
Truly horrific way to go.
I used to work for one of those boosting communities in shadowlands before they were banned. I made like 500k in 15-30mins but I would get whispers from the other teams and I felt horrible. I ended up giving all my gold away and never did another boost. That type of work is for those who have no morals or ethics.
yeah I was also like 15 at the time and we still had more ethics than these 40 year old losers trying to make minimum wage win trading
blizzard agrees with me
gigachad blizz : no
I mean, when they’re making as much money as they do and they’ve invested all that time into learning the game I can’t exactly blame them. It’s so bad for the game tho and everyone else. The rest of us suffer because really good players in this game made terrible life decisions and are now financially dependent on the game.