Is the Evoker a powerful solo class?

Evoker looks fun so far! But are they a powerful solo class? This matter to me for Dragonflight. I’m mostly interested to know if they can solo group world content made for 3-5 party member. A very good example would be the Special Encounter with a map icon in Zereth Mortis, those with several million health. NPC like Mother Phestis, Euv’ouk, Otaris the Provoked is what i’m thinking of.

Thank you.


No class should be able to solo group content made for 3-5 players. I doubt Evokers can because they only wear mail but I dont know as I dont have beta access.


They’re either gonna me super OP or the squishiest class we’re gonna have. I doubt they’ll have a middle ground until they tune them 3 months into.

However, given how OP DK and DH were I’m thinking it’ll be the same.


Tanks/BM hunters/locks do that with the open world stuff all the time.


And do you like that? Should a subset of classes be able to solo 5 man content?

Sounds like poor balancing.

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Yeah, I do. The trade off in taking forever to do it vs having a group is fair IMO.


Yes! I really like that! In fact, it is the reason i’m playing BM hunter. I like to have an easier time soloing stuff! :smiley:


My lock can lol hunters can too


Thats not an answer to the OP. Thats your opinion on a subject the OP raised.

Kids need education so badly.


I have been going for a feral druid for solo clearing content.

Stealth for trash mobs/aoe bleeds
Good single target/bleed damage for bosses
Ranged options for phases
And heals for the dragon in ICC

Any thoughts?

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No, we’ll sort of. My experience so far is that even the dps spec of evokes plays a lot like a healer out in the world: it feels very squishy and needs to spend a lot of time self-healing. You can win wars of attrition with elite foes, but getting outnumbered, especially by things with a kick can burn you down very quickly.


Did you miss this part? In your haste to write some snark you embarrassed yourself.


I play a devastation evoker on beta.

I’ve only done quests solo with one exception and that was for an overpowered boss mob on a quest in plains. I rarely have success with large pulls.

My ilv (266) is probably low for my lv (68), but even so I’ve noticed that my health drops fairly fast. Evoker have one defensive as devo, and one fastish aoe heal, while the other self-heal is a spamable cast, but if I pull more than 4 mobs at a time it’s tough to endure the pummeling.

Evoker are definitely intended to be a kite class. They have a good slow, but it’s hard to apply it to large pulls.

Overall, they pump amazing damage, but you better finish the fight before they catch you.

As for facing a single, powerful opponent, it’s much the same. The goal is to keep their hands off you, much like a mage.

Note that this is from someone still learning and leveling the class, so my experience may change at max level, but I doubt I’ll be able to pull large groups or extra scary monsters with no worries until I totally outgear the content.


Whats the trade off for the classes who cant solo 5 man content?

They get to see big numbers. Pew pew.

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I don’t think there is a tradeoff. That’s just how things are. Not everything has to be balanced.


Hunters and Warlocks dont see high numbers? C’mon.

No class should be able to solo FIVE man content. Bad.

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True - but in this regard I think it shoud be. 2-3 man quest - Hunters and Locks have always been strong.

But 5 man? :laughing:

Well we can agree to disagree and I’ll be happy Blizz is on my side.:slight_smile:


Like Prot Pally’s in classic? :laughing:

Calling people kids is inappropriate.

You here to troll bro?

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