Is the dev team lost?

I agree with you on this. I always ALWAYS laughed when people claimed wow is dying. I honestly think that if things don’t improve it actually will die off this time.

Now before the white knights come for my throat, when I say die off I mean the majority of the players just get apathetic and stop caring/playing even if meaningful changes take place.

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Given the show all signs of thinking that turning Horde characters into villains in their own story would be a fun moment for Horde players. I really think they just didn’t understand how it would be for the players.

I have submitted questions to the Q&A about what they were thinking, but they don’t seem to be taking Lore and Plot questions anymore.

With activision firmly in control now, I think WOWs days are very numbered> they dont want to support old games, They want brand new games, no matter if they are bad or good, so they can boost stock prices. Fun be damned

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Many do. You aren’t the only client here.

I hope not. That said who equates playing a game to wiping their rear end?

The point is lost on you.

In EverQuest you couldn’t so much as breathe without a group. I do not want that, nor does a large portion of the player base.

If I did want that, I’d play a game that had that, much like a relevant old content.

I play Wow now after 15 years, because I like how it is now. I don’t have the inclination to play how it used to be anymore, and I’m certain there’s others in my situation. It’s a balancing act, but I sure af don’t want the old wow back.

I’m good actually.

The game restricted your choices because it was designed to be an MMO. You’re not sitting down to play a lobby game.

That you don’t want it is fine. There are literally thousands of single player games with chat box “MMO” qualities out there.

Much like a contrarian in the general forums you seem to want the single player Warcraft game that Blizzard could have made.

That is not the majority of people who play this game.

There are others. Most of those people are long gone. Why are you still here? Don’t you think coming to a forum for an MMO of all things your input is poison? Do you seriously think the people coming to the game now, not 15 years prior are actually looking for community? Do you think it’s your place to tell them to kick rocks?

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I like that, the best I’ve been able to put it into words is “Robotic responses” where they try to solve it in an almost Spock-like manner.

Dude, they’re gonna take your green text away if you keep that up.


The problem is they have to find a community to make it a positive one. WoW or any game can’t ever come together with a community so fractured and disjointed as it currently is. The best they can hope for until they manage to shrink the number of different camps is hope for small bastions of communities in as sea of silent npc like players.

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This. #firehazzikostas


When see this title, I thought this song

Hey, though…as usual, graphic and sound design is on point. Have yet to be disappointed by them.

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The problem is you’re always going to have some level of discourse in the community. I think the bigger problem is the complete lack of “meaningful” community engagement. Everything feels so one-way when it comes to how this team deals with it’s player base it doesn’t surprise me that a lot of the design decisions feel “out of touch”.

It’s all fine and dandy for them to take an issue at face value, but if they’re not coming back and engaging the players to get more detail into the “why” they feel a certain way they will never understand the whole problem. When they do acknowledge detailed feedback they come across as completely dismissive and show a complete lack of player perspective.

In the end you get players that feel like their being ignored and game systems and fixes that really don’t address the core issues.

Exactly and I had to laugh when bellular described the PVP vendor solution it was so convoluted it was ridiculous I can’t even remember how to do it but apparently that’s supposed to be simpler than going to a vendor with your Conquest points

Well yeah, no duh. “Fun” is subjective, and with a community of players that are so different and enjoy so many different things, of course they’re not going to be like “This is what we think is fun so deal with it if you don’t think it’s fun, too”. With that in mind, what else would they design the game around if not solving problems that people have brought up to them?

For example, artifact weapons, that were pretty popular, were a solution to all the complaints about bringing back old style talent trees.

Depends on the topic. Some folks are objectively wrong or overtly rude. Criticisms are fine. Opinions are fine. I have no issue playing the shill when people say dumb things. :wink:

Then who we lick their boots?! The tech MVPs?!

But seriously, they’re actually very welcoming of criticism. Be dishonest with your own feedback isn’t helpful. Just needs to be respectful and fair. :slight_smile:


You’re not wrong, but based on what we’ve seen with things like the Azerite system and the pvp vendor issue, while fun is in fact subjective it doesn’t look like anything of the sort is even considered. At best they seem to be working off the assumption “If they do the content, then they are having fun.” without a care of if that content itself is actually fun.

Pikkarg, that is a BRILLIANT post and you should be proud of having written it. You summed it all up perfectly.

Blizzard, you really need to read this post. Print it out and superglue it to Ion’s computer monitor.

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They arent lost. Like many people their heads are too far up their own posteriors.

BFA was the biggest budget cut cash grab of an expansion since the begining of WoW. Its just smoke and mirrors from the devs. The lack of content and character/professions/anything depth screams intentional corner cutting to keep costs down.
My personal thoughrs are that the suits and devs are well aware from there data that WoW is a sinking ship. Im not saying it will die, but its probably a bad investment long term compared to the juggernaught it once was.

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