Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

You said a win would a horde city razed and I pointed to undercity. Yes Sylvanas issued it, but the allaince was the cause for it.

Honestly I don’t why your so upset, have you seen horde side of things? Our war campaign is crap it accomplished nothing, we don’t even have a reason to be invested in the war and we been just getting slapped around by the allaince.

An attack the Alliance had no way to be prepared for that removed pretty much all of their presence in Northern Kalimdor vs. a retaliation the Horde had weeks to prepare for because they knew it was coming

Thousands of dead nelf civillians vs. all forsaken civillians safely evacuated to Orgrimmar

The Horde already knew they’d lose Lordaeron, and prepared for it. Hell, defending it might entirely have been just to lure the Alliance leaders into Sylvanas’ deathtrap.


What’s it going to take to satisfy you? The Horde has internal division and has been forcibly dressed in Black Hats. Every victory they’ve had has been framed as some moral crime. Now it looks like they’re going down the road as Garoosh meaning t hat it will be yet another Alliance victory that resolves the expansion. I had hoped for something more nuanced.

Really? What more can you ask for?

P.S. I’m starting to see a bit more grey in Alliance quests. When doing the latest Horde assault in Tiragarde Sound, one of my quest had me killing Horde wounded as they lay helpless. My Hunter was still in the frame of mind to do so without hesitation. My mage might not be.


Should I go ask the same question over in the “I wish Sylvanas and Saurfang would hold hands🙁” thread I wonder?

When posters there say the division isnt satisfying to them and they want to go back to killing Alliance with no narrative based introspection can I do a Jellex-style write up on how that invalidates Alliance players’ feelings and how its poop that they’d ever want a story that makes Alliance fee-fees hurt?

Can a thread about how Alliance players feel go three posts before the Horde circle jerk arrives to tell them how wrong they are because they didn’t consider Team Red’s thoughts on the matter first?


The Alliance delivering punishment to the Horde instead of it eating itself would be a start.


Well I hope alliance started the war by purging undercity instead of the horde starting it. We both would be happy it seems, you have your allaince win via loosening moral ground and being evil.

And we hordes would be happy by actually being the good guys and wining for ones in the end.

I re

Oh, you have no idea how happy I’d have been if the Alliance started this War. But unfortunately, that’s not the story Blizzard wants to tell. They want to tell the story of How the Horde (Almost) Killed Everything (Again). And if they want to tell that story, they better be prepared to let the Alliance exact a decent vengeance.

Anduin just needs a wrinkly, creepy, pasty white guy with yellow eyes wearing a hooded black robe to say things like “Do it!” and “Embrace your hate” at opportune times. He needs some bad influence.


God I wish Benedictus was still alive

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Hey same! Shame so many Alliance heroes like Benedictus (They got Farthing too!) got the villain bat. :’(

Like the ones for the Horde “victory”?

Alliance doesn’t like how they got to destroy a faction capital (even though most of that was part of the evil bat making them the noble heroes). Response? Ignore, or dismiss with what ever reason you can through out, everything Horde players went through and claim entitlement.

I mean, it gets old. Blizzard story has left me so alienate from the Horde story that I don’t even care about how much we win (which, aside from being made evil is almost none) or anything else the Alliance carps about. Then I see these “Horde favoritism posts”. I man, it is so typical and sad.


Well, demand to be hit with the evil bat. Though I can tell you, you won’t like it.

Doesn’t take the evil bat to get some action going. The spine bat should be good enough.


In the end, the most significant difference between Teldrasil and the Undercity is the massacre of civilians from the evil bat. The initiative the Horde took to open major fighting is also part of that.

You react to what the Legion, oops I mean “Horde”, does because it leaves you blameless. You don’t kill wontonly to keep you the noble heroes.


Ya sad. Now horde is without 3 racial leaders and all original horde races too.

I mean horde war campaign does nothing everything we accomplished is thrown out. The very few times we actually fight the alliance we are told to be monsters and murders in our own questing.

Even our leveling zones we just loose loose and loose.


At this point i am not sure who is more bloodthirsty, the wc2 horde, or the alliance players.

Like, jesus some of you are fully on board with jaina destroying orgrimmar in mop or the world destroyed as long as the horde dies with you.

i guess that… you guys will hate when they make something from the alliance neutral again? even if it is in the middle of the black empire?


So you’re saying that the Horde took weeks to fight their way through minimal Night Elf forces, while the Alliance crushed a prepared Horde defence in hours. We know that the Horde were fighting to keep Undercity, contrary to your speculation, so…what is your complaint again?


I actually liked the motivation for both of them. Though, Benedictus was poorly explained until the one Chronicle.

Sorry, can’t hear you over the burning screams of a player race genocided for “muh honor.”

The only people who could be content with Undercity’s “fall” are the most zealous of human paladins. No one else is deluded enough to take Sylvanas’ spiteful last laugh as a win.


They should make Silvermoon neutral.

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