Is the ACCC a viable option?

Anyone here with any real knowledge of the ACCC who might be able to let us know if we can take action against blizzards piss poor service for Oceanic players? First they jack up the prices, and then to add salt to the wound they neglect our servers to the point of unplayability.

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The best you will get is the base game refunded and the ACCC won’t do jack about that, you have to take blizzard to court.

Argument is fee for no service. Shadowlands gets you access but a sub gets your access… So which product is the useless one.

You do get the service, it may be sub par and verging on unusable at times but your continued payment of the subscription is you agreeing to it.
The ACCC also does not help individuals, they only fine organisations that breach consumer law so this whole idea is a non starter right there.

My suggestion is to talk to a lawyer. At worst, you lost some money and accomplished nothing that helps you. But if they decide it’s worth investigating, they may open a class action lawsuit on behalf of oceanic players, similar to what has happened vs Bethesda with Fallout 76.

That’s my two cents. But I don’t have any sort of formal law background.

:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: i have had zero lag on frostmourne/barth/saurfang… have no issue with blizz finally catching up on subs (how poor are you that you care my god) perhaps get off dial up and get a job… i lmfao at everyone of the stupid posts… be happy to have aussie servers as you get them from no one else at all and never will so enjoy useless pings if you play any other POS game on the market

Talk to the AFP’s Fraud & Cybercrime division.