Is that the cat mount. Seriously?

I’d have to agree, the way they designed the cat is…disappointing. The chain attached to the mouth is really bad, it looks like it’s from classic wow and is so bulky and awful it doesn’t fit the mount aesthetic at all. The saddle is meh, and the overall design of the slime and the face is just ok. I would have preferred if they just made a bigger version of the slime cat pet, no armor or anything.

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Be glad that the tree won. We got the better deal out of it, lore- and mount-wise.

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So in other words you wanted Blizzard to just enlarge the kitten model, rather than actually create a grown cat model.

Man poor intern who design this.

Now GD wants off with there head

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I know what you mean :frowning:

Also expected more jigle with my jello.


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We were expecting a jello cat, not a slime reskin of the Night Elf racial saber mounts.

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Whats that? Ohhh, it’s hideous!

Anyway you know what elitist raiders can keep the damn thing like far out when they said cat I expected cute domesticated pussy cat not an absolutely hideous sabre-toothed tiger

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The original poll did say it was a saber - not kitten. It’s basically what I expected, just not all the blue it has for some reason.

Then why name it in a way that would imply kitten? Kittens don’t exactly grow inter Sabers, and the name implies such as name of cat npc here is a pettable slime kitty in Maldraxus for an acheivement, and this is name of mount here ergo, an older slime kitty.

-note: Seriously Blizzard, I cannot put in the name of ingame npc/mounts normally because you’ve, for SOME REASON censored the first four letters of it, which is a term for how you set up wood working power tools to make specific cuts? How is that a ‘bad word’ ffs

People getting all riled up over a mobile booger.

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I have had some massive wtf moments with the things they choose to censor, and sometimes it doesn’t even tell you what it’s trying to censor so you can adjust it. It’s like they took a list of words from a “karens who get their feelings hurt because you had a thought” facebook group and applied it to the filters here.


Do large felines have noticeable bones in their ear structures?

I personally like the model. The good news is fated raids aren’t mandatory so everyone who dislikes this mount can avoid them. Play the aspects that bring you joy and focus less on the parts you won’t/don’t do. Have a wonderful day everyone!

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only in the Halloween department

Why do you end every post with lmao?



I wish the chain were a tad thinner, but I don’t dislike it.

My only thought was the jelly look gets lost in the glow effect. I think some glow would still be fine, but unless it’s toned down (or looks different when seen on live) the glow makes it look more like a ghost and not jelly.

Overall, I like it. :slight_smile: My guild is making a point of getting them for everyone! :smiley:

No one ever uses the tree. I think I’ve seen it twice since the initial “hey let’s all look at it”. The tree looks cool, but is far too big to use most places so I don’t use it at all. I voted for the book, which I would actually use but have zero chance of obtaining now since I don’t tank, only DPS and heal.

(In before “JuSt LeArN tO tAnK!” No, I have hella better things to do than try to learn/train up tanking enough for no reason other than to attempt an overtuned to heck mage tower with it. Especially personally KNOWING several excellent tanks who are unable to complete said mage tower.)

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