Is that the cat mount. Seriously?

I honestly would have preferred if they were even lazier and just scaled up the pet to mount size and maybe slapped a copy pasted saddle on it or something.

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It’s just more of the “undead/rotting/decay/death/bones/guts” theme, and it’s old and gross.

What i expected.


If our “skills” were a cat.

Or tastes, or lack there of.


i hoped but i knew in my cold realist heart it would never be.

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Oh, gawd no. lol

Dang, imagine they just put a saddle on the pet, these forums would really lose their minds over laziness.

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I’d die of joy/cuteness overload :smiley:


They gave it to some intern with no art background to finish up.

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Wasn’t even the one chad intern who made the Garrosh cinematic that put the entire Sylvanas team to shame.


I would fight to defend goo kitty’s honor. I don’t care about slime saber.


100% agree

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The mount is named J igglesworth Sr after Mr Bigglesworth which was Kel’Thuzad’s pet house cat. People obviously assumed it would look more like the cat it’s named after than a saber.

That’s exactly what people wanted.

thats its new name yes, but when it was up for the vote all those yours ago it was the “Gooey Slimesaber”

it was that, Curious Caterpillar, Nerubian Swarmer, Soaring Spelltome (added later with the same name), and the Wandering Ancient (the winner)

Yeah this mount sucks.

It’s supposed to be a cat not a tiger/panther.


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that…is what many like me voted on. tree won, sadly.

IF they were gonna just slime a cat mount they could have slimed the cat mount from from the store really.


I’ve just realized how incredibly insufferable one appears when they end every single post with lmao.


Bingo! i also voted for the tree because it fit my night elves who where my priority cosmetic wise following “The incident” with an unnamed panda chef leaving his stove un-attended in their tree

I also have my pitchfork out for this one! I would like my cute looking Jelly Kitten mount please! The undead sabretooth is cool, but def not what I thought it’d be which is just a bigger jiiggles which might be one of the best pets in the game!

I figured out what really bothers me, where are it’s cat ears??