Is sweeping strikes worth not stacking on?

Am mop leveling a bunch of classes, learning about new abilities

I’ve never heard anyone mention sweeping strikes but the tooltip seems like it’s important. Is avoiding stacking on warrior cleave during sweeping strikes (does it have 50% duration, 15 sec on 15 off?) something that should be done?

I.e, in a 2s scenario hit healer during sweeping strikes warrior when it on cd

I mean it’s a pretty large amount of power to be able to colossus smash and ms or sharpen 2 targets.

Yeah being able to hit enemy healer like disc and having their dps also stack on you is :ok_hand:

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Is this troll?

You’re a r1 shuffler and you don’t know what sweeping strikes is??

Where are the shufflers at somebody defend this

(No direct hate I’m just memeing healing shuffle is a true skill)


Answering seriously: I mean…how does anyone learn about anything.
You watch videos, you make alts, etc
I’ve never heard a warrior call sweeping strikes in discord, and I never saw sweeping strikes on a skill capped video, or seen it tracked on a weakaura on stream.

How would I learn about it without playing warrior myself.

Also yeah I’m sure I have tons of gaps in my knowledge, I play the game very little and don’t have alts. Try to fill the gaps one at a time :slight_smile:

I guess as someone that’s played a lot of warrior I can’t judge cause I don’t know non warrior players perspective but I’m just a wow nerd I know a majority of the abilities in the game lol

You learn in Discord that your spec can dispel roots off their team.

Wowhead exists.