Is survival hunter fun? why is it fun?

I love it. Super fun to play in m+, the hybrid melee ranged opportunities give it a lot of room for skill/outplays in a lot of pve and pvp situations. Multiple viable builds depending on content which is nice to see within a spec itself.

Light years better than the roll your fingers across the keyboard and apply “x” insta dot while you take a snooze 30 yards away play-style of old.

Haters gonna hate.


I’m glad Death Knights are having fun with it

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Haha love it Griefs! :joy:

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Data doesnt matter? Lol Fascinating

out of the three hunter specs it was never the popular one. Its been the third banana since launch.

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Contrary to your singular belief, this game isn’t all about what you want, plenty of people play survival hunter and enjoy it as is.


Hes gonna say thats illegal or something

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You’ve already been comprehensively proven wrong on this one. Stop inventing history. It’s a bad look.

Actually, from what we can tell, “plenty” is a very generous overstatement.


Keep it up mate, all this is accomplishing is you getting flagged for trolling. You intentially misquoting someone does not in any way support what you’re saying. It just makes you look pathetic.

Here’s the full quote btw, incl the context for reference:

That was your argument, not mine.

Prove it.


By all means show us the hard data, where’s this table of players who say survival is bad or fun? Again, the game design, fortunately, doesn’t revolve around your opinion.

It’s consistently one of the least played specs in the game (last place throughout Shadowlands). Were you actually not aware of this?


There’s no correlation or proof that the number of players playing or not playing survival has to do with fun though, which is what the OP is talking about. Instead you just turned the thread into whining about “but mah RSV”.

If anything can be taken from data like that it’s generally that underplayed classes are due to poor tuning/performance/balance. Case and point WW monk in BFA for pve, demo lock at several points in WoW history (love demo as a spec, often stopped playing because the damage wasn’t there), or even feral/enhance.

People generally flock to the meta regardless of whether or not something is fun. *see fotm balance druid


SV has been melee since 2016. It’s had tuning ups and downs in that time. It’s popularity remains low at all times and it’s usually last place unless there’s another spec doing really badly. Thinking that people avoid it just due to tuning is truly delusional.

When Hazzikostas was asked about Survival’s unpopularity, he didn’t say that a lot of people are having fun with Survival but it’s just undertuned; he said they knew it would be a niche spec, they knew Hunters would by and large prefer to play ranged, and they hoped new players and rerolls would find it interesting.

If you’re in that “new player/reroll” camp, that’s great. Unfortunately it looks like that wasn’t a great strategy for Blizzard to take because while people like you sure do talk up SV a lot on the forums given the opportunity they spend an awful lot of time sticking to their melee mains instead of Survival.


The fact there was hardly ever any survival hunters period was proof enough. Maybe for a patch but it has always been the third banana.

The fact you are still here means you been lucky so far.

shhh he thinks he IS blizzard

at this point im sure if there was a thread about mage tower it would somehow turn into RSV WAS THE ULTIMATE SPEC.

every class pretty much has. But again, unless you have actually played the spec you should just be silent about something you have literally zero experience with.


Aside from the statistics already posted:

Survival sure as hell happened to show up a lot among world-leading raiding guilds for a spec that was apparently “third banana”.

No, you don’t have proof of your claim. The statistics show SV was a popular spec before 6.2. End of story. You might think projecting confidence in your false claims makes people more likely to believe them but that only works on people who are equally as misinformed.

P.S. I like how in these threads the defense inevitably shifts from “plenty of people like melee SV” to “OK, not a lot of people like it, but people didn’t like ranged SV either!”. SV fans are very predictable.

That’s not a response to my post, for one.

Otherwise, you’re doing that thing again where you’re assuming I’m wrong by default for lack of experience. That doesn’t work. My claims about Survival have no bearing on my claims about Survival. What you have to do is show how my claims are wrong and then show how I arrive at an apparently wrong conclusion based on lack of experience.

To use a hypothetical example: say you made a whiny video on your dime-a-dozen pseudo-edgy right-leaning Youtube channel (that you wisely keep separate from your gaming channel) about how an election that didn’t play out in the favour of your preferred political party was “rigged”, with such bulletproof backing as “they used to call elections straight away but now they wait!”. That’s a clearly uninformed blanket claim and it’s evident how your lack of knowledge in how elections work (in particularly, how media calls elections especially when they are very close) led you to a bad conclusion.

It would be no surprise if you blocked all comments on such a hypothetical video although it would still be just as contemptible. But the important part is you’re not wrong just because you’re uninformed: your claims are bad and you arrived at those claims because you were uninformed.

So here’s a tip: start by showing how you think my claims are bad, then explain how my avoidance of playing melee Survival led me to making bad claims. This might be difficult because as it turns out claims like “Survival is extremely unpopular” are not dependent on whether I’ve personally played the spec a lot or not.


You are literally the biggest fan of the spec.

I mean, yes. Yes you are. Your basically the guy telling someone how to do a job without ever working behind the counter.

Didn’t you waste like 4 hours recording subnatica for like 11 views? Also, not even right leaning but that is irrelevant to anything on this entire forum site even if its to be used as a reference. As I have said maybe a dozen and a half times now, I just meme on people like you. Its actually kinda irritating you still cant figure this out. Also, like youtube channels dont matter. Kinda like yours aswell as mine. You try far too hard scooter.

Try playing the actual spec and experience it for yourself instead of listening to yelp reviews. You are literally a Karen bra. You cant claim anything if you never even done it.

Play the spec. Until then you’re opinion will forever be irrelevant.

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The fact you would do something like this just shows how much of a juvenile you truly are… Even to hint at some of the things you’re “hypothesizing” is degenerate to say about someone because you’re mad your spec was changed SIX YEARS AGO. Grow up.


I dont know how seeing and understanding statistics is dependent on you having played a certain spec. :thinking:
However, i have played SV. I got a few nice purple logs on Mythic Nathria, which (wild guess) probably means im the most competent SV player in this thread.
Since you judge people arguments based on their merits with the spec, you should now fully agree with me, when i also tell you that MSV is the most unpopular spec.


Bet you didn’t expect your simple question to turn into this :D.

I’ll be brief. You will know very quickly if this is a spec that you enjoy or not. If you find yourself enjoying it but need some pointers, feel free to message me in game.

Bepples is STILL here complaining about Survival? Wow, just wow…

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Calling there name is just going to incur their wrath.