I’m asking because it just doesn’t sound as good for healing as soul cleave and I fear that if I get it, it would be a wasted point as I would never use it over soul cleave.
It is an explosive aoe that can pump dmg if there is plenty of souls around to pop this at max stacking. Cleave on the other hand is just a cone based aoe that is a frontal type only.
M+ stuffs has a tendency to be almost surrounding you as a tank, SB helps apply the leech effect more readily.
So if I’m a solo player it doesn’t really matter much?
It’s still extremely good for soloing. Round up half a zone and spirit bomb them.
Never really thought of it as one or the other… Rather one then the other. SC works with or without orbs…
Soooo, I’d suck in orbs with SB, then get a little extra AE and healing with SC.
/castsequence reset=2 Fracture, Fracture, Spirit Bomb, Soul Cleave;
basically ya, you get 4 souls out of meta 3 in meta, spirit bomb and fury dump with sc
felscarred hard requires spb cause it trioggers a demon surge
sp also uncapped and does a ton of damage for threat
its also fire damage so its buffed by demise
but if you aren’t dealing with a mob, isn’t this less healing?
I like survivability, especially when it comes to things like soloing 50m hp bosses (siren isles) I’ll gladly take a hit to dmg if it means more survivability. If I can outlast things, they’ll die eventually.
Edit: nevermind, most if not all of the major healing comes from devastation anyway.
I don’t think threat matters much as a solo player as everything just attacks me anyway…
Solo’d everything on the Siren Isle and unlocked Zekvir?? in solo delvs pretty effortlessly doing that on Veng. Will admit that I didn’t beat Z?? as a tank, did that on a dps.
See, I just don’t know how to actually do rotation stuff or maximize output, I’ve always just gone with what sounds good to me and it typically has worked. So I’m just unsure about all this.
If you’re not pushing Mythic or M+, it isn’t the biggest deal. VDH is a great soloer. For solo content you’ll likely be fine with doing whatever feels good to you.