Is someone trying to shut down every thread?

hahaha, this is great…


Oh, it’s all in service of making a point. :roll_eyes:

At least we’re a little backwater. Let me go check out GD, I’ll bet they’re going nuts!

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Ziryus and falaana would be pleased.


They sort of are.

but everything is being locked before it goes on for too long =P

Blue just posted in the CSF, it is a bug that they are looking into. It isn’t mass reporting.


Yes, just saw it:

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Wasn’t abused until people wanted to “prove” it was. Hopefully blizz drops the ban hammer on em and that will stop this. Ban some IP’s blizz.

Complete shot in the dark guess:

Someone at Blizz HQ, opposed to right click report/squelch broke it purposely as a form of protest that will likely cost them their job.

That’d be hilarious, though sadly the reality is that Blizzard was probably trying to push live some even more automated system than before, and it’s not responding well to real world conditions.

Read the CS quote directly above you

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Apparently it was a bug in the forum software.

Though that does bring up the point that automated systems like this are more prone to problems =P

I also have to wonder, since a similar auto-squelch system is clearly in place on the forums, what is the threshold for how many reports a thread needs before it’s locked for 24 hours

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Uh huh. Ya think blizz is gonna give some trolls the satisfaction? Lol
Guess again. Don’t be surprised if it’s tied to the non sub accounts and the only way to fix it is to only allow paying customers to post.
I heard the EU classic forums are. /shrug

Most of the locked threads were in General. You need a sub to post there

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Shhh. We don’t need facts muddying up the waters round here. It’s working for this right click crusade why can’t I just be blissfully ignorant?

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From what I understand of what people in GD have said, you actually don’t.

When they switched to the new forum the requirement of a sub was removed. Apparently blizzard said they were going to add it back but haven’t yet.

I don’t have a sub and I can’t post. The new thread button doesn’t work and the reply buttons don’t show up for me in threads.

They’ve applied a couple of different fixes, and many of us without a sub cannot post outside of the specific forums (Support Category, Classic, and possibly realms but I haven’t tested).

A few people don’t seem to be blocked for one reason or another. Others post up until their browser token expires and they are asked to log in again (or they get logged out by one means or another).

The funny thing, though, is clicking the :heart: isn’t limited - so I can like all the GD posts I want even if I can’t post there.

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Meanwhile, while my sub was expired, I couldn’t post here. :expressionless:

I guess the forum software is just kind of broken and buggy in general then.

I can pretty trivially pay for a sub just by herbalism/mining runs for a few hours, so I’m still subbed even if I really don’t play much outside of leveling some alts from time to time.

Supposedly, they have fixed it by now. I should go check; last time I checked, they had fixed it for this particular character but not for the other characters on my account, thanks to their magical new ‘your characters are different posters’ system.

edit: Yeah, they fixed it, checked on a few characters and none of them can post in GD.

Tech point of order:

If it’s working, a botnet is far more likely than a single bot. you’d be talking up to several thousand IPs working in concert.