Is SoD worth getting back into?

with classic anniversary popping off, is SoD worth it? I went back to my OG server living flame I think, was totally dead, and I heard server transferes are shut off, is it worth coming back to?

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Everyone can Xfer to CS for free

really? when did they add that?

When they stopped character creation on all the other servers and decided that crusader strike and wild growth would be the only 2 sod servers. In like September.

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No, vanilla is the better game, atleast if you like PvP. If you like PvE, idk maybe its worth just cause blasting to 60 is fast and i think guilds are desperate for bodies, so getting into raids undergeared is EZ.

Vanilla > SoD if you enjoy PvP by a long shot. SoD about to becone even more unbalanced once the new shoulder enchants are obtained

Dood nah…

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It depends on what you’re looking for. Overall, SoD is the better classic experience by far. Infinitely better class balance, more engaging raids, flex raiding, etc etc. The only thing good about anniversary is being able to go through the classic leveling experience again like dungeons. Not as many groups go on during SoD, but you can do that at least in anniversary. Once people start hitting 60, you’ll see the population on anniversary drop hard bc many are just treating it as a TBC waiting room.


Maybe when the Karazan raid comes out people might hop on again for a little bit.

If it’s just a dungeon the game is kinda over already

If you can jump straight into raids, sure. Leveling is dead and endgame dungeons are as well.

I’ve been playing on SoD again for a week or so. I was getting annoyed with the state of the anniversary realms (hard to quest with all players being on 2 servers, the later zones are too populated and respawns are too slow).

I quit in phase 1 originally. I’ve been having fun, haven’t run any dungeons yet though. Don’t run into many people but there are people around. Not sure how dungeons and stuff look at 60.

The XP boost seems way higher than the 150% on the tooltip, but maybe the zones were just that bad in the anniversary realms.

Haven’t decided if I want to stick around on SoD.

Well starting today after reset you can get all runes for your class from a vendor in the starter area. This should cause a lot of people to be rolling alts and will undoubtedly make the leveling process even faster to the power level available right from level 1.

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Up to you. I am sure you know what your getting with Anniversary/Vanilla. It’s the same game we all love.

SoD is in the raid logging phase but I am enjoying AQ40. Naxx is around the corner and they teased a Scarlet instance that will hit the PTR soon. They also announced runes will be purchasable from vendors so alt leveling is easier.

Good time to jump back into either as they both have stuff going.

Lol… i want what you are smoking