Realized like a week ago that this thing is still going on. I quit at the start of phase 3. Would I as a returning player have a good experience or should I just wait for SoD to end and the next big thing for classic to start?
Its not nearly as engrossing as vanilla 2019 to 2021 was. But the class and loot changes are fun, fun to raid log 1 to 2 characters.
To be honest Blizzard is ruining SoD. It use to be fun but not anymore. If you do decide to play you better go alliance and roll a pally because it seems like thats the class the devs all play. Every update is new weak armor, a shamen nerf and a dungeon tweak. Thats their version of fun.
sure, lots of new abilities, specs, and playstyles since p2. endgame is kinda SoM mode atm. id say its probably your last opportunity to jump in from a progression standpoint as BWL is still early endgame and it will be infinitely more time consuming to restart in phase 6.
If your a pally yes its worth it. You get to destroy every class due to nerfs of EVERYTHING except pally.
No not at all. The game isn’t good
its really bad , the devs have no idea what their doing and the future of classic + looks aweful
the game is super unbalanced its a failed project but if your going to play again either play a ret pally or a shaman.
I’ve had buddies try and get into SOD phases after it started and they cannot get into it. Having fewer people to get X runes done or wanting to get X quests done without asking me for help annoyed them a lot. They went back to retail. So, if you’ve got patience, I’d say its alright…you’re just going to miss out on a lot of content / or struggle getting things done without some extra help if you cannot find groups around the designated level.
Edit: To add, if you’re into pvp, woof…its slowed down a lot and its just an AB spam currently with people tangentially unorganized and overly grumpy with faux superiority complexes. The latter has been true most instances of the game, but its more irritating in SOD, personally.
I’m gonna try and play, it’s better to get into now cuz later raids and phases are gonna be harder and harder to start. I’m goin shaman though, I always play druid. I wanna try something new.
stick with the druid and go moonkin.
thank me later.
Considering how many of them think SoD is actually Classic+ when it isn’t.
no, its super bad rn. No updates. PVP mayhem. Just a sht game all around atm.
sod is really bad honestly i wouldnt even bother
No, don’t waste your time
Class fantasy is drowned out by blizzard usual issues of not being able to balance between dps out put and utility abilities.
SoD is really worth a shot. Best WoW iteration after classic. If you enjoy the classic feel it’s definitely worth a try.
Now, you have to understand that it’s a vast beta for a classic+ so there is a lot of imbalance in PvP but with decent gear and the BG buffs it’s actually better than it’s ever been so far.
Rune system allows for a lot of different combinations, there’s a lot to do at lvl 60, end-game content is more accessible than it’s been in previous phases (no more parse madness or caster/melee meta). You can play pretty much any class in PvE and you’ll find your way into a raid.
PvP has a few OP classes that you might wanna check out if you’re into it.
nope, stay away. It’s just a raid log time sync, loot pinata.
Not at all worth. If you are trying to decide what version you should pick The War Within or Cataclysm. There’s actually people to play with on those versions unlike SOD and era. On classic I log in once a week to raid with my friends then logout and play tww. Endless content on tww/cata…shame they are doing nothing with SOD The numbers don’t lie. Sod = Cata= TWW= Hope you have a great day Dalavvalaa