Is Shadowlands story keeping you as invested as Legion did? TL;DR at the end

I’d rather have an expansion focused on rebuilding and repairing the demolished state of Forsaken and Night Elves than chase after Blizzard’s designated scapegoat and her soul fuel sugar daddy.


I dunno, maybe? SLs comes off as more of a WoD style expansion than a Legion one, but I have generally enjoyed SLs so far. The overall narrative at least seems interesting, even if its bogged down by it being so linked to BfA’s, and should Blizz do something meaningful with the 3 Horde Reps we are likely to bring back with us after SL … I would be fairly enthused. I do like the zones and Covenants so far though.

Legion, I have a mixed relationship with. Overall it was a pleasant experience, but on a Faction level its hard not to notice how truly optional the Horde was at nearly every level of that expac. You truly could have written out the entire Red Team without changing a single thing, so it was a bit difficult at times not to feel like we Hordies were just around to witness the Mighty Alliance (Alliance/Neutral) Heroes defeat the Legion on their own. Which detracted the relevance to events for me as a Horde player a bit.


I’m not invested in it nearly as much as I was at the beginning of BfA ( I returned to the game so late in Legion, the legendary weapons had lost their power ) I’m hoping this is just an extended setup and things will pickup soon.

Still, I am of the opinion that not all mysteries should be given answers… especially what happens after death but I digress. I’m not feeling it mainly because the Jailer doesn’t seem that threatening to Azeroth ( no more so than any other cosmic villain ) in fact, only the Shadowlands seem to be at stake. I know it’s not and if he wins it will spell “DooOom” for Azeroth ( again, somehow… ).

In BfA both factions were facing a present and credible threat, each other. What’s the threat here ? That I might get to choose my afterlife for myself ? That the “system” is broken and we obviously can’t have everyone in the maw ? That Sylvanas might get away ? That Zovaal might let the scourge loose on Azeroth? Been there, done that got the achievement for it )

There comes a time the threat is so big. so mind bending that it loses it’s urgency. I can relate with fearing for my people because some invader wearing blue/red shirts wants our lands and our blood. Those are tangible threats. Fearing for what might happen to me after death of all things ? Anyone who isn’t the PC would say that once you die it’s over. Off with the spirits or Oblivion even. Only we, the leaders and the Ebon Blade know that it’s pretty much business as usual on the other side… oh and Ardenweald has a bug problem. bring some spray.

If anything they made Shadowlands too mundane for me to buy the “this is the afterlife” line. Oh and what is the link between the jailer and the Legion ? The original Lich King was Kil’jaden’s pet and I doubt he found the Helm of Domination on a bench in a park because Zovaal forgot it there. There’s a mystery I’d like to see explained.


I’m of the opinion them retconning the helm and stuff to irk me greatly.


Exactly! I don’t know, the in-game lore pushes a certain “urgency” I am told I should be worried but everything else makes me not really care about it that much… I don’t know, he just doesn’t feel like a constant threat, or I guess none at all.

And this is just the worst for me, the afterlife is so damn mundane… It doesn’t feel like there is any magic left, when you kill some of the Venthyr sometimes they say “Is this all that there is to… Death?” and this is kinda how I feel about the whole situation, honestly.

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The threat is to great for us to even remotely have a chance of failing because if we fail that mean the story ends and the game stops progressing. And everyone knows that isn’t going to happen from a meta standpoint. So the threat washes away.


That was more of a shake up.

I mean take a literal chunk out of the planet.

Idk why you want the planet itself to pay? That’s not like it’sa compelling loss to the heroes that they could overcome eventually.


Blow up the chunk and make it rain down on Azeroth like meteorites.

It feels like there’s too much filler going on (as the very first reply to this pointed out) and The Jailer hasn’t really grabbed me like N’Zoth, Gul’dan, or even minor villains have.

I’m hoping things change since it’s still early in this expansion. We shall see.


Shadowlands started with great promise to introduce some of the first truly new lore since WCIII, but it quickly fell off a cliff. After the excitement of leveling ended, you’re left with the realization that nothing has really happened at all, and we’re just being fed filler lore that has nothing to do with anything. We don’t even know the plot of the expansion yet! What is Sylvanas doing? Who is the Jailer? What does he want? Who is the Runecarver/Primus? Why did the Arbiter shut down? Why does the Purpose suck? Who are the First Ones? Why is the Maw awful now? What is Anduin’s role? What was Danathrius’ goal? Who is the Winter Queen really? Why can the player character interact with First One tech? Who are the Brokers? What is the nature of the In Between? We’ve never before entered into an expansion without actually knowing anything about said expansion like this.

Shadowlands has given us nothing but questions, and Blizzard has zero interest in answering anything. They promised it would all be cleared up by now, but we’re still in the dark. I predict little will be revealed even in the next patch.


We really do need a loss, and there was the comic that is probably retconned by now about Anduin leading the Army of Light against the void during his older years. So maybe Azeroth does get destroyed… or hatch or w/e.

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Shadowlands is keeping me decently entertained. I agree with Pigzig’s first post that it “feels like a lot of filler” for the conclusion to BfA. I’m interested in the lore about the afterlife, how it works, the Jailer and Arbiter, the coventants and their lore, anima and death magic, it’s a decent bit to learn about and has definitely caught my attention. That said, it feels like they’re milking this Sylvanas mystery for too long. We were already aware that she was up to something bigger and that all of BfA was a filler for whatever development they had planned for her and now the covenants feel like that to me. I’m just ready to see Sylvanas’s conslusion.

The problem with the Jailer is that in his view, we are so irrelevant and useless that he doesn’t even deign to taunt us until we really push it like 5 eye maw. Otherwise the things he’s doing are cosmic while we’re still thinking in terms of orgrimmar.

I find the story to be beyond boring and it’s pretty embarrassing for Blizzard’s writers considering how much they lean on old beloved characters that were written by other writers.

It’s like there’s nothing to care about. The whole story feels so irrelevant to my character’s wellbeing. It truly feels soulless.

It probably feels even worse for me since I picked the covenant with the WORST covenant campaign. Kyrian have one of the most popular characters but Uther is so one dimensional and useless. Pélagos and whatever her name is are so tragically inoffensive they always make me roll my eyes at the platitudes that constantly spew.

The story is definitely at a new low.

Tbh I feel more invested in WoDs story than shadowlands. I mean if you remove the “memberberries” part of the shadowlands. I definetly feel that way.

I feel like getting 0 drops in m+ is more fun than the story in shadowlands.

But hey I also feel like if they killed off Doras the Flightmaster guy in orgrimmar I would be more emotional than if they killed off some main character.


Someone gets me, the heroes journey isn’t worth anything if there isn’t stakes or a struggle to overcome the evil force.

Lich king thought we where so useful that he built us up, N’zoth tried to tempt us to his side “Slay my underlings and assume your place at my side.” Kil’jaedan understood how pesky we could be and tried his best to kill us good. The jailer? He just ignored me for crying Angel face Anduin.

No. Legion’s story was the 2nd best one after WotLK!

Shadowlands is more MoP-level so far.

No, he is going to pick it up by the big sword sticking out of it, that everyone forgot about, like a popsicle and carry it back to the Maw. How else?