I can pay gold for sub
I feel my biggest letdown for shadowlands was they focused so heavily on the leveling revamp to 1-60, and chromie time and all that for 1-50, but they did not add the pre cataclysm overworld, the old eastern kingdoms and kalimdor classic wow versions of those zones back into the game for chromie time 1-50, as well as the old dungeons like the old deadmines and shadowfang keep with the worgens and junk. Idk, i just feel it would be awesome to lvl a monk or a demon hunter or whatever toon i wanted in retail through the original barrens if he so chose to.
Another gripe for leveling is that the dungeons are all split between chromie times. I feel you should be able to do any dungeon regardless of what chromie time setting you are in. It would greatly reduce que times.
Not that this makes shadowlands bad in any way, but it was just dissapointing to me. It just stinks to me not having the option to visit the original overworld. Alot of other things i just do not mind as much i guess, but i truly wish the original overworld still was in the retail game.
I think itâs great for an open sub based beta.
Itâs not very welcoming if you donât intent to push raids as much as possible.
Everything else just takes a back seat to pushing raids, which I think is very stupid since people like to play the game for reasons other than bashing their head against the wall to beat raids.
Gameplay wise I dont like all the systems. Anima+covenant order hall (or whatever your main base is called), souls from the maw and stygia, torghast/soul ash, renown, conduits/soulbinds, more mission table. Itâs so much to keep track of. For the most part I donât hate any single one by itself. Itâs just the combination of everything seems disjointed and convoluted.
Iâm not necessarily wishing for less content. I just wish it was more streamlined or something. Or maybe itâs the fact that I feel itâs too much to keep up with in a single week. Itâs too much of a chore to do everything but it feels too punishing to fall behind.
Beyond that Iâm very disappointed with the lore. The fact that almost none of the afterlife lore presented in shadowlands doesnât fit with the lore already present in wowâs various cultures and belief systems is very boring and lazy to me. It also makes Shadowlands feel extremely disconnected from the rest of the game lorewise.
In addition to basically wasting/ignoring all the lore for things like ancestor worship, light worship, old god/loa worship. Theyâre also messing with a bunch of the lich king lore. I feel like they basically rewrote the origins of the lich king and scourge to try and make their new character/big bad seem cooler by riding on the coattails of Warcraftâs most iconic villain. They couldve connected the Lich Kingâs origins to the Shadowlands in a lot better way IMO. As is theyâve basically turned any demon involvement into a footnote. Messing with such a recognized character and piece of lore itâs kind of made the whole thing seem hollow to me.
The story itself, while not bad IMO, is not very compelling. I donât hate Sylvanas and actually quite enjoyed her character before she got written into a fairly generic villain in BfA. However, im very bored of the story revolving around her. I donât hate her so I donât feel any connection or excitement by our âhunting her downâ. However I am quite tired of her cause sheâs basically just been doing the same thing on repeat since legion and itâs gotten very old.
Obviously most if not all of this is very subjective but these are the main issues I have with shadowlands personally.
Every expansion have flaws but at least it kept me playing and thereâs at least one thing I enjoy doing. SL offer none for me unfortunately. For those complain about borrow power and new system, you will be more disappointed in patch 9.1 as they introduce another system and borrow power. This time the domination socket/gem effects only work in the Maw/Torghast and the new raid. They think it will destroy the game if people use those power in PvP or doing old content.
The content patches determine every expansions fate though.
Just look at all the people praising Legion as a âgoodâ expansion, when at the same point in time during Legion as we currently are in Shadowlands, people HATED Legion, criticising everything about it from dungeon design (especially in the context of early M+), raid design (EN was probably one of the least liked raids ever) and ESPECIALLY with how the core systems of the expansion in Artifacts and Legiondaries worked.
But people have short memories and they only remember that Legion finished on a high note, so they remember Legion as a good expansion with zero flaws, same as they do MoP and Wrath, which also faced their criticisms while current.
The first patch and second patch has to bring their A games or systemlands is going to stay in the bottom.
I donât raid/dungeon or pvp. I am a casual player who likes to quest, do professions and such. The quest are horrible. You just want to go do a quest but it turns into a 3 part ordeal. I like one objective and done. The anima is a pain to collect at first because itâs required for the board quest and the tree guy to advance your foothold in the zone.
I rarely see any rares at all. Used to be last expansion you couldnât go two feet without seeing one to kill. The chest are stupid to get to. There are barely enough quest to do your daily. I like a bunch of quest in the zone so I have more of a choice . Bring back one kill quest.
I canât stand having to go through the main town to get from zone to zone. Just let us drive or eventually fly from one zone to another in the next expansion. It all feels so disconnected.
The maw and torghast. Good Lord, if you had searched the world over for the worst quest lines and zones possible to create, this is it. Iâve had zones I wasnât fond of going in but the maw and torghast are the worst of the worst to me. I realize some love it, great Iâm glad you do. I just despise both places, and thatâs an understatement. Knowing the next patch will have a zone there is just dreadful to think on.
This is one of the least favorite expansions to me. Iâve only completed it with my main and canât stand the thought of leveling my alts⊠But things I hate, I realize others love and thatâs fine, this just isnât my favorite by a long shot. I log in and do my daily quest and log back out basically to keep my character current as I can so hopefully sheâll be ready for the next expansion and enjoy that one.
Also, I do want to fly and thatâs way past due so trying to keep things caught up so I donât have to go back and do something I should have already done for flying. Problem is with the past flying, by the time you get it you are so sick of hoofing it you are ready to break from the game completely. It definitely has left a bad taste in your mouth the way they have treated flying. Should go back, quit making it an issue, and let it be bought either at max level and the main character that just got flying can buy a flying license you can give to your alts so they can fly while leveling. I would certainly be leveling my alts now if they could fly.
Nope legion sucked as well. The last true great expansion was MoP and all the dailies almost ruined that as well.
youâre better than me. I canât bring myself to log in. My account goes sep 21st. Blizzard has until then to make wow better.
So far, yes. Covenants are a complete and total failure, especially from a balance perspective, with some being so hugely advantageous that youâd be gimping yourself to pick what you really wanted. Castle Nathria was okay at first, but Iâm so tired of looking at it. Itâs ugly and most of the fights are too easy. PvP is a joke at the moment with PvE gear being better than PvP gear, and I have no reason to participate in it, especially on this toon since Iâm not necrolord. Lore is weird and causes a ton of problems as far as continuity and plotholes are concerned. If the shadowlands are a thing, then where have we been going every time weâve died previously? How are there still ghosts everywhere. How are Death Knightâs reanimated with their souls intact? Were they pulled out of the Shadowlands and back to their bodies? What happens to the denizens of the shadowlands when they die?
You just sound like a negative nancy. Covenants are a complete failure. Because there is always a best. Always a best has been a thing since world of warcraftâs launch. I do not want a system in place where everyone is equal, but i do not feel the power difference is so bad between the covenants that the balance is compromised. And since when has wow ever been balanced, regardless of what version you are playing.
It is that hyper balance bullcorn that ruins retail at times for me.
Castle is seriously one of the coolest raids to me. It rivals places like kharazhan and shadow fang keep, some of the best dungeons in the whole game.
In terms of pvp, i mean you have the skills and the gear, then you should do decently. It is pvp, and some classes are just in better top tier lists than others or whatever, simply based on the power and oversights of those classes in that specific expansion. I mean, idk. I have never pvped in any version of wow and been like, wow this is so boring. Pvp sucks. This gear has a disadvantage. I always go for the pvp gear because it is usually easier to get.
As far as the lore goes, like any franchise in history that has been around for 20 plus years, it is bound to get retconned with continuity errors going forward. Does that make it bad? I guess if you are going for a perfect story record it does, but i play for the gameplay and the story. Any comic series in history has been retconned and has continuity errors out the wazoo, simply because of how long it has been around, and wow is no surprise. Different writers and story board directors take over eventually, and everything becomes twisting based on a loosely threaded mythos. Similar to real world legends actually. Certain information is lost in time. It is just how it is.
I just wish retail wow had a version that functioned exactly the way wrath of the lich king did. Retail wow with the wrath of the lich king polish would make it way more fun for me personnaly. But i do not feel like shadowlands is bad at all. Just different.
In terms of death, i made jokes about it earlier in bastion in trade chat. Peeps were like what does happen to these foxes and junk after i kill them? Who the heck knows. It is a retconn for sure though, as far as we know, everything from pandaria, outlands, azeroth, northrend or whatever goes to either the heaven of shadowlands or the hell of shadowlands.
I just like the theme of this expansion. So much death and depression and stuff. I want to see what happens to archmage arugal, if anything. it was implied with hour of the worg in wrath that we were fighting his shade, not his real self. So he is still around somewhere. COuld he have been controlling his shade from elsewhere? who knows. So many interesting theme opportunities from shadowlands if you ask me. Retconn or not, makes for alot of interesting story opportunities.
Its bad. Not enough fun to find the effort to do the busy work.
I donât think the content itself is bad. Itâs just boring and uninspired. Just a new coat of paint on stuff we already did back in Legion and BFA. Itâs grown too formulaic to keep me entertained anymore. Plus the fact that all of our power creep amounts to nothing in the end because itâs all layer upon layer of borrowed power systems makes it all seem rather meaningless.
I wouldnât say itâs bad but disappointed the content needs work on for toons ,there is a lack of gear leveling in the sl that it is self defeating on toons starting there that causes people to not engage in it. Plus,some were designed for grouping than soloing<defeating the purpose of the game.