Is Shadow Lands saved because of the recent multiboxing ban?


(gives Rhielle a box of cookies)


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In 15 years on high pop servers I have been ganked by multiboxers like 3 times. I killed a 5 box of druids on my DK a couple months ago, like 3 times as they kept trying to fight our farm group.
What I dont get is why everyone is all up in arms. People are going to whine so hard when the price of consumables goes through the roof. then they’ll complain again when they have to buy a token just to get consumables for raid. Either the respawn rate will need to go up exponentially on nodes, or people will accept spending silly amounts of RM to get thier ingame stuffs.
Never saw multiboxing as a problem. It’s absence will be noticed.

Nothing wrong with having imagination. I am completely okay with that! Which is more insulting to the game? 20 different characters that move as a unit and look the exact same and are named druida, druidb, etc or a cute panda in a onesie.

I was in naj battles a gazillion times. I saw maybe 1 or 2 boxers in the whole time. naj lag was shard exploitation, plain and simple. not multiboxers. thats baseless.

lol no
Systemlands will be saved IF Blizzard understands that having systems on top of systems with the sole purpose of encourage time wasting and grinding is bad to the game. Which they don’t. So I expect SL to be a huge flop.

Its not baseless. It was zone breaking quite a few times for me. I think we all had an experience or two. Maybe a few did not but I have yet to meet one unless they are a multiboxer w cloning software themself.

Its fair to say if these people want to play a RTS game like Warcraft 3 they should just play one. WOW was designed for people to play w people first, not people play with armies of drones first. The focus was on the MMO (massively multiplayer) not the MM (massively multiboxers).

Blizzard may be late to the show but they have for the most part acted against bots. They finally see key broadcasting software as a ban-able offense. As it should be. I am thankful they have made this policy. Many of us started getting real tired of all this that devalued individual professions like gathering for the every day man. Where one person would make 5K for farming a zone and one multiboxer w cloning software gets 25K an hour. This lets the multiboxer dictate the price of the hour and usually undercuts the solo player or drowns the market that the price automatically goes down. Making the multiboxer the only profession player that is benefiting from the gains. It effectively kills the purpose of professions for players that devs work so hard to make a sold RPG in and of itself.

I do not know all the reasons they chose to stop this madness. I really would love to know but at the same time I do not care. When something is repugnant for different reasons most people are just happy to see it go.

What are you guys going to do when you still see multiboxers farming?

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Depends if i see them duplicating keys or not.

lol man I’m gonna get reported so much, I wonder if I’ll get to chat with a GM :star_struck:

complain to blizzard some more and probably report if using key cloning.

I wonder if Blizz will lease me a GM :thinking: That’d be sweet, they could just follow me around all day and intercept reports :heart:

@Blizzard, lemme have one of ya GM’s Blizz, preferably one that likes instant noodles :yum:

OP Claims to have seen a 50 character multiboxer without proof.
Claims Blizzard TOS states that multiboxing is a bannable offence
insults those who disagree.

It’s not everyone. It’s just you.

And we’re not pretending.


Grumble quietly to myself like I always do and deal with it. LOL


I would say to say hi but I don’t farm anything but transmog :slight_smile: If you see a boxxer doing a WQ and the reward is armor though it could be me :open_mouth:

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twitches in lonely druid


only a 50boxer? (probally 48, 6bents) thats just the mid-average sized boxer. not rare at all to be fair. i just refunded 13bnets worth of sl’s for about 10k balance that i had to spend on game time or wow tokens 35 years of gametime wooo ill be dead before that gets used

Thats not a “certain type of software” its just terminology they came up with to fit all applicable ways to do so.

If you use software that broadcasts your key presses, whether that be via a hotkey program, or VMs, or whatever your breaking that rule.

Unless you make a way to press buttons on Multiple keyboards at a time your going to be banned.

Even if you do that, they don’t know, and will assume software you will still be banned.

TLDR Multiboxxing is banned.

if this was the thing that saved shadowlands, the xpac is doomed.
so no, it didnt because thats just stupid

i have never seen more than 5-6 in a cluster spamming the pigs or the porcupines in Drustvar, or the crawgs in Nazmir.

Just lucky perhaps. Never had a problem, I’d just drop a starfall here and there and piggyback on their efforts now and then.