Is Shadow Fun?

Havoc DH is horrible right now and I haven’t mained shadow since Wrath of the lich king. Just want to know if it’s straight forward and fun.

Try destro lock.

Haha destro is a bit too straight forward. I started doing the campaign on the priest with the single target build, it doesn’t seem too bad. Is damage only around cooldowns and can it do cleave without speccing into it?

In M+ you dont wanna be caught without shadow crash but you can cleave up to like 3-4 targets consistently without swapping out of your Single Target build at all.

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I don’t have any interest in m+ only the raid, but any idea if fights require an m+ build in the raid?

Shadow’s rotational gameplay is pretty much identical from ST to AoE. You AoE more by multi dotting than actually pressing AoE buttons.

As for cooldowns, they’re important but they’re also very long / varied and you are doing pretty decent overall damage too.


I’ve been playing shadow this expansion. I think it’s fun, it has good visuals. I would say both hero talents and the spec in general is straight forward. If you pug raids it’s nice to have the two healer specs. That way if you get tired of waiting in the queue forever you can switch to healing and get in faster.

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Shadow needs some quality of life updates , it is capable of amazing damage output but it is cd dependent and they have long downtime can be frustrating in m+.

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I’m gonna be honest man, I can’t think of a single class right now that isn’t CD reliant and it’s the main reason the gameplay BLOWS.

True , shadow just having it bit harder then rest.

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I’ve played both spriest and destro and they’re roughly the same in complexity. Spriest is straightforward too but more mobile if you like that.

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I have only 3 complaints about Shadow:

  1. The AoE department because is heavily dependent on the perfect use of Shadow Crash’s 20s cooldown.

  2. The 4 capstone talents are probably the most boring you’ll see in any spec. 4 passives with barely anything visual going on.

  3. Void Form design is really bland for what it could potentially be. Feels like just a Dark Ascension that is more cumbersome to use.


This is probably the best summary of the top problems.

Kinda depends on how high the key is. Missing crash feels bad but unless things are blowing up you’re able to catch up pretty well. I’d honestly say in a key like priory 50% of my applied dots come from VTing during the setup and 50% from crash. People wrongly assume if they miss crash or only get 2-3 mobs their damage for the pull is just dead.

I still think it’s fair to say the whole M+ gameplay for spriests revolves around it. So a buggy, slow, unsatisfying ability is core for your class (in my experience). Where you have to manually dot stuff if it doesn’t go correctly, or if mobs are pulled/moved outside of your control…yeah. And there is still a dps loss and messing up your rotation a bit at the very least.

It’s like how hunter’s sentinel owl sucked and they changed it. I think that’s fixed now? Whereas shadow crash still isn’t.