Is Season 4 gear for honor Really that bad?

I mean it’s the end of the game It’s not like they can get any specific Gladiator mounts or titles So honestly why is this a bad thing?

And it does give people that do hit level 70 in that prepatch an easy way to gear up altz Especially those death nights that don’t have A PVP set or PVE set So again why is this bad?


I think for most people, it isnt the S4 gear for honor that is the problem (It is actually awesome and will incetivize LOADS of pre-patch pvp), but the problem is to do with how they are handling arena points.

At the moment, they have said arena points will be converted into honor points at the launch of the pre-patch. After season 3 ended, they really emphasized how discount would be beneficial by further increasing the dicount costs such that the 5pc + weapon could be bought using 5000 arena points (this was specifically stated in their post).

As a result, many players (inclusing myself) banked 5000 arena points on multiple characters with the intent of using them in the discount week after season ends.

With the way they have worded their post, it implies that there will be no discount period, nor are there any countermeasures in place for those who are honor capped. So the 50000 honor points a player would get from 5000 arena points will essentially dissappear into the ether on pre-patch.

It is perfectly possible they might consider some alternatives such as allowing us to temporarily overcap honor points, or making S4 available for discounted arena points during the pre-patch in addition to honor. But until they clarify, most of us are just assuming the worst.


My beef with it is Blizzard didn’t tell us this change in advanced, I slogged through arena on all 3 of my characters each week, dedicated time and made plans with multiple people. I would not have even done all that if I had known I could just buy the season 4 gear with honor at the end of the season. I’m totally fine with the previous season gear being available for honor, it honestly makes more sense but they had instilled a pre-existing notion that I HAD to do arenas if I didn’t want to be 2 seasons behind gear wise.

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s4 for honor is just going to help people who came back to the game late, level faster in wotlk, i don’t see anything wrong with it, you people cry about everything, imagine crying about getting catch up gear.

They gave us 50% xp buff for people to catch up for wrath, how is this any different or bad? stop crying and be thankful it will get more people to play the darn game.


It needs clarification, what happens to people capped with both, Do the arena points suddenly become worthless?

People have been saving them with the expectation the season would end like the previous 3…

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how do u complainers not have like full gear for 3 specs by now
u get max points from like a 1200 5s

like they buffed points so hard months ago. it’s like entering costco 2 mins before closing time and complaining you didnt get enough free samples


That’s not really the point, if you’re sitting on 5k points and 60k honor, do the majority of your arena points suddenly now become worthless?

So basically it’s not the fact that people can get the season 4 gear with honor you just Are mad that you are hoping for the arena discount to happen firsto happen 1st but from my sounds like they’re not gonna do anything with that until prepatch OK that makes more sense.

I mean If that’s the case why don’t they just apply the discount early I mean if they’re just gonna convert it to honor anyway I don’t see the reason why they shouldn’t just discount discount the arena points if people have all this stuff banked up let him buy it with arena points 1st.

I mean again I don’t get why season 4 stuff is still as expensive as it is I say just cut everything in half by 25% or more at this point I don’t understand the reason why it still has the remain expected.

Speaking from someone that is doing 2v2 At the moment yeah the season 4 stuff is ridiculously expensive even if you don’t have the rating to buy it.

I don’t think it should be as expensive at this point I think it should have been cut in half a long time ago I say just cut the prices of everything arena by a 150% at this point it’s the end of the game for going to say who cares.

Well yeah spending arena points during the discount week would not affect your honor, now they’re combined, season ending like all the other ones is all that needed to be done

It would be great if they would give us a week of arena discounts before prebatch so we can at least use the arena points.


Spitballing ideas here, but could you not buy stuff for honor like an hour before the servers go down and then when they come back up log in and refund them?

God forbid people will have access to the same PvP gear. PvP should not be balanced, I should be able to crush people who are way better than me if I just play the game a lot and now theres gonna be 3 weeks where people will be at an even playing field this is not ok :(((((((((

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It’s not about that, it’s people that have already been playing possibly getting screwed with a unexpected change, honor for S4 in prepatch is fine

No, it’s not bad. Anyone capped on arena points and honor has almost all the gear anyway except for a couple pieces locked behind rating. If they don’t want to lose any points they can spend honor now on the PvP mounts or something.

Right. For instance, I was hoping/expecting to be able to purchase the rest of the arena stuff for discounted arena points and then have my honor saved up for a piece or 2 at 80. I don’t think anyone’s mad that s4 will also be available for honor, but they should give us a chance to spend our arena points first. Like, just the final week before launch.

I doubt they will allow S4 for honor only.

I also don’t think it’s a good idea to just hand out best PvP gear for nearly zero effort.
We can already get full S2. And S2 is on par with T5. S2/T5 will last you to 74-75.

What you mean bad? It’s absolutely amazing.

Ya but you still have time to use arena points to buy the gear so it’s not wasted.

What you get for assuming. Spend your damn points. You have 2 weeks to get more Arena points. If you’re not good enough for the gated pieces well you don’t deserve them now do you.

They did. You have 2 weeks.

You literally have 2 weeks to spend your arena points on gear