Is saronite ore/bars

is saronite ore/bars
are these still used
as of right now
what are they used for
what is the demand for this
is it worth the time farming
will it sell

When you want to know about an item

1) Look it up on

Use the tabs like “Reagent for” and “Currency for” to see what it is used for

Use the “Comments” tabe for what people say about it.

  1. If it can be bought or sold, look it up for your realm on the Undermine Exchange

You will get a sense of how well it moves from the Heat Map for the item, but demand changes, and you really don’t know how well it moves until you list some yourself and see how quickly it sells.

When gathering lower-level herbs and leathers and ores, it’s best to gather many different ones, put them all on the AH, and learn what sells this week.

When placing auctions, you need to get to know the market.

Things sell faster during times when leople are logged on.

If people keep undercutting you, you may want to Cancel your auction, pick it up from the mail, and re-list to be first. The addon Auctionator may help speed up your AN transactions.