Is s4 over?

Its been joever for like 2 weeks now

And you didnt tell me this till now smh

small indie company cant even put out a X tweet letting us know its ending nice

They do announce it lol

They provided ample notice, as always.


i dont live on wowhead why cabt they just post to X like a normal company in 2024

they posted it on the very forum you’re currently crying on

unforch you didn’t see it during your daily 8 hour tiktok/twitter binge i guess

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ok between all the spam posts and garbage here it get buried in 4 seconds why not sticky it at least


well, that’s embarrassing

No one cares

Sharp only. Maybe a smoked medium

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Got em! /10

as established i doknt live on the internet bro

dw bud i’d be mad too

oh ya im sooooo mad i didnt have the chance to push glad in the most meme inflated meaningless season since bfa s4 OK bro

Salutations, my friend. Whatever happened with this?

This is the same energy as walking into traffic without watching the do not cross sign

You need to signup for X, hard pass from me