Is S4 done tomorrow?

As in, no more M+ or Rated PvP?

Also, what changes are they making/ implementing?

As far as I know M+ is still there, you can get KSM until the start of the expansion

But rating for the top 1% title ends/goes away.

Basically the “ending” it for the top 1% stuff, but you can still do the content


Everything Xiata said is correct.

The only thing changing for everyone is that all 3 raids will be Awakened. Nothing else to be worried about for PvE.

Still time for elite sets or that is done?

Those will be going away I believe.

Are they implementing the new class changes/reworks, aside from the Hero talents?

Yes, new class trees and other changes will be coming tomorrow. New UI changes will be implemented tomorrow as well. Oh and leveling changes including reduced experience for 60-70 will be tomorrow. It’s a lot of stuff.


I’d highly suggest to not log in until after the Wednesday maintenance (you know it’s coming). Wait for those first day bugs to be squashed.

I don’t think so… pvp season usually ends a day before patch to calculate rated rewards

Just read the sticky:

As for further changes, anything that comes with the expansion, except for new zones, plot and 71-80 leveling. That is, warbands, talent tree changes, UI changes etc.

Pre-patch is the expansion with some (most) new content lock.

Well, that should be fun. Lookin forward to Shaman changes

I never got around to doing Council or Nymue. They are the only bosses I haven’t done lol.

Anyone know if the Awakened Hero title goes awah tomorrow?

It does not, it is still earnable until the War Within launches and they deactivate Awakened.

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Cool, thanks!

Are flightstones and crests wiping tomorrow or no?

When accounting for ratings, it ends today according to the released schedule.™-season-1-and-raid-schedule-overview

Non-rated things will continue until expansion launch as far as I am aware.

Content and loot is there, ratings/achievements be gone.