Is Rushing Wind Kick viable in PvE?

With the upcoming 150% damage buff to Rushing Wind Kick this weekly reset, is it a viable choice against the 160% bonus healing to Ancient Teaching in PvE environment i.e. M+/Raid?

I feel that without that 170% (190% post reset) healing from fistweaving, this choice node is too expensive to take RWK, especially in keys where we mostly play Chi-ji build.

Has anyone tried RWK in keys? How was the experience?

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Im also def interested. I haven’t quite made ranged build yet. I really want to for a change of pace. However I’m concerned a few jade empowerments and RWKs isn’t enough dps now that spinning crane kick isn’t used all that often.

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I tried it out earlier this week. I know I tested it before the buff, but I cannot stress how crazy the alternative is (ancient teachings) in M+, even in ranged builds (assuming you took the new CJL talent as well). You DO NOT need to talent into Jadefire to benefit from this, since it now procs from Thunder Focus Tea as well!

Basically, when damage goes out:

  1. Use Thunder Focus Tea (you’ve now activated BOTH the increased Ancient Teachings buff and the enhanced Crackling Jade Lightning talent)
  2. Cast Crackling Jade Lightning, which now does an insane amount of damage and chains into multiple targets
  3. Watch as your party is healed to full.

It’s essentially another healing CD every 30 seconds that does considerable damage - even when you use more Soothing Mists builds! It’s so powerful that I’m considering going Master of Harmony in M+ because you get two separate uses of TFT (and two procs of the insane CJL conversion) every 30 seconds.

Only 1 charge can be cooling down at any given time, so if you use both back to back, you don’t get that second charge back up until a minute later.

Thanks. Yeah CJL is busted at the moment, but I want to focus on RWK as it’s getting heavily buffed tomorrow to see if it’s worth considering dropping Jadefire Teachings for.

It’s not, ancient teachings is so much healing in a dungeon, the dmg RWK does isn’t comparable. The amount of healing gcds you’d have to do to make up for the healing you lose from ancient teachings just isn’t worth the dmg buff if rwk.


I tried RWK in raid and it was a pretty fun way to get more ren mist healing, also made using RSK on cooldown easier because no enemy target is needed, flippy kick’s animation is also fun.

I don’t think it was any “better” than where I had that talent point before, but I had a blast running it on raid night. Glad it is getting some buffs but I would have preferred an ability altering talent like RWK to be in the class tree, or in the middle of the spec tree tbh. ( where we have more flex points to move around )

I haven’t tried it for m+, I really didn’t want to drop any of the talents I run for it in m+.

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It’s such a fun button to push (Mind you I haven’t tried it in M+) I just miss Rushing Jade Wind from back in the day. Currently leveling my Monk ~72 and on the dummy in Dorn it’s doing substantial increases but do with that what you may. I’m not a M+ pusher and was gone for the most of DF…Before that I kind of pushed but I think the highest I did was like 10-12.


Yeah in raid it’s so much fun. I played it last night. ReM actually heals instead of just being there for vivify cleaves. You can keep ReM rolling even when mechanics are happening instead of having to build them all up again.

I tried it in a couple dungeons and was not a fan, but CJL with jade fire teachings is amazingly fun as well. This is the best iteration of mw yet imo.

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Per the monk discord, its currently the top raid spec. Moves our power back out of vivifies and invigorating back into renewing mists being spread out. Far less worry about square rooting etc.

For M+ so far the kick does good damage but makes healing harder since you do less AOTM healing now

I’ve also been trying to figure out if Dance of Chiji is better or the lightning talent, to me I think the lightning talent is slightly ahead, although the Dance of Chiji feels smoother imo

I use Master of Harmony and do a pure ST dps build (since now you cleave) and you can pump a lot of damage, I’m averaging 350-400k in my 605 gear

Unfortunately even though you get the extra charge of TFT, it only gives you a few more casts overall, but on the first pull and after bosses you can do really big damage

Also Pro Tip make sure that you use a few melee abilities before your TFT and RSK to proc versatility to gain stacks of Balanced Strategem.

IMO fairly easy to min max Balanced Strategem to get ~10% damage boost on both Chi Burst and Crackling Jade Lightning, ideally during Secret Infusion Vers and the capstone Coalescence increasing their damage taken by 20% for big burst

Dungeons Jadefire Teachings with CJL is still stronger imo
The 30 second ondemand heal from CJL can full heal your group with hitting 3 mobs. Its also not too bad on bosses.

For raid, I still prefer the SooM Turret. Im used to it and its what I like.
But ReM blanket and RWK is very strong too

Rushing Wind Kick is intended for a Renewing Mist build - which is to say large groups, not so much 5 mans. The bonus damage is just gravy for us, but it doesn’t replace ‘Fistweaving’.

I’m loving the talent myself. I have always resisted using melee abilities in raids as a healer, but Rushing Wind Kick allows me to do my rotation without having to be glued to melee range.

If you really want to run it in 5 mans you certainly can, but it won’t be as solid as a full Fistweaving build.

I wish it doubled the rate REM ticks instead of the healing amount so it could proc more envmists

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