i get that this comp was a menace for many expacs boosting many people to undeserved rating with ease
but playing it now (rdruid version) ONLY because my bros main these classes and they dont fotm at all trying to finish wins for them has been pain…
the defensive utility is still there and crazy good, but the kill pressure seems much lower than ever, especially compared to other comps…
meanwhile turbo kill pressure feels way more inline with what ret/war used to feel like
just a question here not a qq or anything. dont play much these days due to kids, eek out a glad and then it’s back household activities…
I don’t think it’s cheeks, but ret paladin lost a lot of strength in wings in exchange for more wings uptime, but in shorter windows. It definitely has less overall pressure than it used to and the spikes are more predictable, but I feel like with a dragon healer and damage in HoL windows it’s still really solid.
Is this a troll thread? I can’t tell, tbh. Why would a glad level player need an explanation on why a comp feels different season to season? Or why would you post this on a classic/low level?
rdruid sucks unless u play rmd or outlaw ele or thunder
theres a ret fury pres at 2900mmr right now
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u need to play super active and get clones out or u are just playing to lose as rdruid, ret war is def good atm.
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Pres offers a lot of extra damage. You can also rotate dragon stun and oppressing roar with the warrior cds and a long hoj on healers to force trinkets or kill.
I play rdru ret warr at 1900-2k atm its insanely tough especially when the rdru and warr are dedicated mains, been playing one class forever and refuse to try and learn new class while having fun which i kinda like about them. But ya if i could convince them, what else do you run with rdru /warr?? Let me know plz
Thunder. Rdruid+fury+ele is an INSANELY strong S tier comp.
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