Is Retail Dead?

I really don’t know what to tell you… i did it a few years after it was launched (think it launched in 2004 and I did it when they switched to a 10 player raid. Never went back after we completed it.

Duiin, Uggard, Macson, Voidbergg, Legomylass, Morduns, and Jordall

Are all your characters.

Zarellin and Zariki are someone else’s characters.

I don’t think anyone else has posted on an alt.

isn’t there a chrome plugin that shows which are alts of the same account? Used to be one… can’t be bothered to look because… who cares?

NOW SEE THAT would be handy.

I don’t use chrome, but I’d switch for that feature.

When people can’t login to the game, they watch the game. It’s the main reason for all the extra viewers.

It will die down.

I have to add, there are so many posts like this it is worrying. So many people seem to base decisions on emotion or a complete lack of evidence… it is horrifying. Classic has been out for one day. ONE.

Ooh twitch views.
Ooh stock price rise.

All happens when something new comes out.

Retail is not going anywhere.

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2 million retail subs? You got a source for that? Didn’t think so. My sources suggest we’re still around 5 mil. I have reason to believe about 500 thousands, or a little more were on classic when it launched. Those numbers are going to rapidly die down. There is more on retail but they aren’t all concentrated in the started zones of 10 servers so it looks like less. Also viewing classic on wow has nothing to do with the playerbase. WoW classic launch was a big deal. Currently nothing huge going on with Retail so of course classic got more attention. In no way does that translate to classic being more popular or retail being “dead”. Retail has been dead since 2005. As in people been proclaiming its death since the beginning. Yes even in wrath.

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Doesn’t include China so your source is right

Doesn’t include sources.

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Not only this but you can do whatever it is you like to do in the game and it’ll actually have a tangible progression for your character. It’s almost like good game design that’s been left by the wayside.

Achievements weren’t in the game until the end of TBC, so 10/17/08 might be the day they launched. Can’t remember the exact day but I have several from vanilla and tbc on that one day.

I concur. I will play classic for nostalgia of old quests, old removed lore. But other then that. Retail is infinitely better. I’m not saying retail is flawles. I really don’t care for the HoA mechanic. It’s just better. Old class quests are 90% of the reason I am playing classic at all. I played classic 3 hours last night. Most of the fun I had was talking in chat. Lots of jokes, and memes going around.

I do miss things like green wrath and quivers but those are things they can add to retail and wish they would. Actually if they added a dragon that took you to pre cata kal/ek and access to all the old removed quests I wouldn’t be playing classic at all.

I see the amount of empty, dead, lonely servers. There’s a reason hundreds of thousands of people have been embedded in Vanilla wow for years before this. There’s a reason a couple million people are watching the rerelease of a 15 year old game. OSRS did the same thing, wasn’t quite as big of a turn out.

A lot of us have played all throughout the 15 years WoW has existed, and there has not been anything as enjoyable as the first 2 incantations of World of Warcraft. This turnout validates that passion


10/14/2008 was the launch of achievements I believe. Though the person’s achievements in question have other dates to check, such as Needy/greedy, which are all in 2015 and 2016 respectively.

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I don’t think that retail is dead, there are many people that enjoy it.

Wrath prepatch to be exact.

That prepatch came on 10/14/2008.

Automatic achievements based on the status of your character (such as honor points and badges) happened as soon as you logged in.

Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy! required that you actually go back to UBRS and do the achieve. You don’t even have the achieve, despite having done UBRS at the time.

Everything in the universe has more watchers then participants. NFL? Video games? Yes more people watch then play. Watching is free, and can be done on a phone. Playing is not.

You do know that the chinese market has always been the majority WoW pop right? Did you really think 12 mil was north america? or even NA/EU? That’s laughable. Maybe about half of that.

twitch views != active subs

Unfortunately ya it seems to be what they’re catering too now. I understand it makes sense from a business perspective.

I’m waiting for the hype to do so bliz can finally give us some more news for retail. Like last 3 weeks on all wow related news sites have been 90% classic and like I do not care. I know everything there is going to be. Literally the only article that was relevant that I cared about was what realm was what time zone because they don’t say it. And since classic is going to be more or less static I hope we can finally move on and show us what’s next for retail.