Not right now it doesn’t… Was in mechagon and it was a ghost town lol… my friends list has people showing up that weren’t subbed since mop all playing classic lol…
I expect it will be dead until the next big patch on retail. Then depending it could end up being more popular than it used to be before classic.
I have reported you. I will go tell the people who pay me to do this for a living that I’m just pulling things out of my butt. It is clear that you are unable or unwilling to comprehend anything that isn’t handed to you in a link
Ten times. Literally ten times I have explained this to you and your level 10 alt. You are starting to wear on my nerves. I can’t make this any simpler for you short of coming over to your house and physically typing things in for you.
Really? Oh, ok. Come on over, show me where there has “Never been a game with more people watching than playing” before is. Oh wait, you forgot about that and are now off on some other rant.
You are not clever. You are not fooling anyone. I addressed your crappy AGDQ comparison. No one is ranting here except your with your 10 posts requesting a non existent link. I am not responding to you or your level 10 alt trolling anymore
Respond? You havnt even given any evidence to back up your original claim. Then when called out on it, you just moved on to a new claim about sub numbers you cant back up either. You are the one trolling in this thread. You cant back up ANYTHING you have stated.
Retail wil still be there. The people who think classic is too hard would definitely go back to retail. The Vets from Vanilla through Wrath of the Lich King understand classic!. In the end it will all balance out.
No it’s not dead, I just did a full Heroic Eternal palace with 430+ people, everyone in that group was saying I don’t want to go back 15years ago and play the same clunky slow game.
No no, please explain again how your unfounded claims with no data to back them up require data to refute them. Then, explain to me how the data that does refute your unfounded, non-supported claims is somehow wrong. I would like a link. Just one. A single one. That backs up your original claim. I will concede at that point.
You cant provide that though, and you have refused to ever provide anything other than your own hyperbole and butt-facts that you think are divine.
to be fair he did explain he can’t link it but if you do what he says and google it the information is there. There’s also a youtube video where Bellular goes into the numbers. I don’t agree that retail is dead but we have a pretty good idea what the sub numbers are
Retail isn’t dead. This thread isn’t even worth reading. I don’t know about anyone else, but my full raid was working on heroic Azshara last night, just like we do every Monday.
Sure you can. Just surround the link with that this symbol: `
Or you can break the link by inserting spaces.
You’ve done neither. AND you’ve refused to give anything like a real citation, which wouldn’t necessarily require a link.
You told me to read the thread… where you fail to indicate where you got the info from. And you told me to google it… but none of the google results back up your bogus claim.
You never explained it. You told me to look it up… on google… despite google results not containing any data backing up your bogus claim.
[citation needed]
You’re numbers were pulled from your butt. Change my mind.
That has nothing to do with the information that I am asking for. That came after he couldnt back up his claim that “never before has a game had more viewers than players.” I provided two instances where this was true, and he dismissed both because he didnt like being proven wrong. Then provided nothing to support his claim. The rest of it is just him ignoring it, and trying to peddle other “facts.”