Is Retail Dead?

Me too. I eagerly look forward to the day that some of the classic players turn around and act like “retailers” did before the announcement.

Death Knight master class!

Classic literally deploys yesterday.

Community: Is retail dead yet? LOOL

Let’s revisit this topic after a Quarter. That should be enough time to get more data and weed out the people who don’t have the stamina for classic.


Ya I admit the title is click baity. But it’s an interesting thing that’s happening

And then you have people on retail that are like:

“Classic will be dead in 2 weeks”

“Nostalgia is hell of a drug”

“No one cares about classic”

Both sides are extremely annoying.


I hope retail doesn’t die, then they’ll start “improving” WoW classic. They need to just keep their damn hands off it and take the subscription money.


Retail isn’t the phenomenon it once was, but it’s not dead. There are plenty of people who play it and can’t even consider the possibility of leaving. It exists for them.

These players don’t care how many people are playing their game. They tell everyone who preferred an earlier iteration of WoW that what they like is stupid or wrong, and that if they can’t deal with the changes, they should shut up and quit.

For their part, Blizzard has shown support for this attitude with garbage like, “You think you do, but you don’t.” In so doing they’ve sacrificed millions of subs to build an insanely loyal fanbase of effectively lifetime subscribers, many of whom will spend a non-insignificant amount of their personal income in the cash shop. These decisions are not made idly when six- and seven-figure bonuses are on the line, and the fact that Ion and his minions are still around is a good indication that retail is almost exactly where Blizzard wants it to be, even if it isn’t where “we” want it to be.

“Its ok to be salty because OTHER people are salty”

No reason to lash back because there are idiots on both sides of this argument.

I never said it was okay, I’m just saying both sides can be stupid and retail players aren’t innocent either.

Yeah and all I was saying is, dont be like them.

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My heart doesn’t want to believe it but my brain is telling me basically the same things you highlighted here.

Classic won’t kill retail, because retail is a completely different game with a completely different market. One is an MMORPG. The other is a very casual action loot grinder.

Classic will hurt its population, because I think there are many that had been playing retail but really wanted something more (even if they didn’t know it), and now they have it.

But the majority of retail players are getting exactly exactly what they want. They don’t want to have to be sociable. They don’t want to have to earn anything.

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Piss off nitpicker.

Wow, 1.2 mill idiots watching other idiots play the same thing again after 15 years. it is trully an amazing time to be alive…
First, twitch is garbage.
Second, the hype for classic will die sooner than most people will think
And 3rd, retail wow will not die, most of my friend list is on classic, but theres so much people still playing retail, maybe cause of q times, maybe cause(like me) people dont have the time or willingness to go through all the classic experience again (wich is very time consuming)
in the end people who really like classic will stay there, most people will mingle between retail and classic and some other will just stay on retail

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Undead do not count. :grinning:

Lots of people playing BFA on my server right now. Retail is not dead.

Nope. I’ve been playing retail today. It’s up and running fine.


Who gave you this insider information?

No insider info read the rest of the thread.