Is ret paladin really that bad?

As mentioned here, one of the difficult things about ret is the amount of support they provide. People measure a dps class by looking at meters. But ret does so much more, its a solid second healer, a solid CCer, a solid off-tank, and support defense. All of those things are difficult to quantify in meters, but are essential to making a run go smoothly.

Yes, bad rets plague the class. But behind the brain-dead rotation, and mobility issues, Ret is actually pretty difficult to master.


Not to give away all our secrets and tell you how to beat us, but you’re wrong. We’re not “Gods,” we just have to be countered and if people don’t know that we’ll trample you. If you know how to counter us though, we’re fish in a barrel.
Rarely see a ret full heal in a bubble, they usually use it to break a stun w/ temp immunity or to stop a burst early, and full healing as a ret is hard because mana. Only get bubble for a couple secs anyway as disc priests are everywhere and everyone knows to mass dispel now.
BOP lets through all magic so 70% of classes still have a way to hit us and we are still interruptible through it’s duration, so no healing. At most it’s a 10 sec melee stop-gap but it’s also dispelled.
Lay on Hands is the only thing you got right but at the least it’s a 7 min CD so you only see it once per BG, it’s so singular it’s practically irrelevant. Everyone has a major heal now anyway, even hunters, and if it’s not enough you can easily stack up on BG potions with 50% insta health for dirt cheap and less CD.
Our heals are terrible, Flash of Light is a HUGE mana drain (1/4 of total mana for ~20k hp) and not enough health to compensate for the pause in combat, and because it’s a cast it’s interruptible. So good luck using it w/o a bubble.
The only thing almost decent is WoG and for some unknown reason it only 2 charges each on a 1 min CD, costs mana, AND needs 3 of our 5 holy power spenders.
The only way you’re guaranteeing getting solo’d by a ret paladin rn is due to an experience gap. As I stated, basically any class that has a slow is more than capable of kiting us to the edge of oblivion.
I’m not saying that Ret is bad, it’s really engaging class to play in PvP. Against other melee classes you’ll find you compete well. It’s also a great class to introduce you to the mechanics of the game and how to utilize your class and specs full tool belt. And yes, we do have some of the best burst around once you get your stats right, but I don’t think take away should be our ability to actually hit things. It’s not fun gameplay. This is easily fixable too, with a charge type move like everybody else. It balances blinky/teleporty/force-pushy nature of wizards and other quick ranged.
(It would also mean I TOO have a counter for the non-stop shaman, druid, and hunter BS flag bridge force-pushes on EoS.)

If you’re talking PvP, show us your ret’s arena ratings.

I wasn’t. I was talking strictly PvE. I thought that was pretty obvious considering I talked about how DPS are usually measured in Damage meters and don’t take ^^^ what you quoted into account.

Context… is important, instead of randomly quoting and I don’t know… I guess *attempt to throw shade on my rating? smh…

I haven’t done rated pvp on my pally for a long time. Mobility for one, but almost because my past arena was on Holy. Not sure what your attitude is about.

In pvp they lack mobility but have very good burst and sustained damage. So they are kinda meh due to the lack of mobility and their only mobility having to freedom AND horsey in one go.

In pve they seem pretty meh due to their lack of aoe, but meh idk I dont pve much. Just what it seems like to me.

So I wouldent say they are bad from a viability standpoint per say, just kinda meh nit great but not bad either.

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Oh, OK, so casual PvE. Got it, and sorry for assuming.

TBH my attitude is irritation at the OP and others like him because he essentially implies most rets are just “bad at the spec” even though it should be obvious there are design problems that many paladins - of all specs - take issue with. All he has to do is read other threads. Also, IF he was asking about PvE only, he’s a dolt. Any class/spec can do perfectly fine in PvE given a non-hardcore setting. If he’s asking PvP, again, all he has to do is read the forums and/or check out some arena rets’ ratings and videos.

I’ve played a ret pally since classic both for raiding and PvP, if ret is played right they can be up there with other hybrid/support builds people need to understand that we are not a pure DPs class.

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There are no “support classes” in this game, nor are there any “taxes” for being a hybrid. (the devs have said as much.) Ret is DPS. The end.


Are these the same devs that loved the azerite system they punished us with?

bear all or part of the weight of; hold up

Next time you are about to be 1 shot ill hold onto my non support abilities…


Not true. You can’t win a 1v1 vs any equally (or even less skilled) player of the following specs:
Fire mage
Frost Mage
Arcane Mage

This isn’t WoD or Legion. Ret is not a god in 1v1’s anymore, and BG’s can be pretty miserable if it’s ranged dps heavy as you waddle around getting booty blasted.


You may have played a ret pally in classic (as did I) but you dang sure didn’t raid as ret. I got laughed out the door Everytime I tried. I had to heal. It wasn’t until bc that I got to actually raid as ret.

Never use these forums as a measure of anything related to WoW. 99% of the people here are here to whine. Ret is one of the better melee right now for PvE, and has higher representation above 2k than half the melee specs in Arena.

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That’s pretty much false information lol.

As of April 10th ret is about 3% xD

As for PvE they are alright I wouldn’t call them “one of the better melee”. Raid atm is more about the player than the class/spec mostly.

Numbers aside, the rotation is just trash. Very slow compared to previous expansions and we seem to get gutted more and more each expansion. Another issue is being good inside Wings but not so much outside making them more CD dependent. And someone else mentioned above - the Retribution passive just needs to go.


It’s been that way since cata. I don’t see that changing anytime soon as much as I would love more sustain over burst. If they want us to have great burst that’s fine but make it flow better. Hammer of reckoning is a great example. Imagine something like that on a 30 second cd with a 6-8 second duration. Having shorter burst windows but having more of them is better then every 2 min.

Ret paladin actually needs major nerfs to their insane damage. Biggest problem is wings being too short of a cooldown, and wake of ashes.

I’d ideally like to see wings on a 5 minute cooldown, and wake of ashes removed.

Wake does no dmg in pvp… Stop trolling battlezone


bro have you ever used word of glory outside of PVP?

if you only removed the cooldown you could literally no heal a +15 dungeon. I get invited to +16 keys as a non meta class because of word of glory alone if it’s a healer’s key usually. it trivializes a lot of nasty pulls and with wings up on a crit it’s basically three LoH’s going out at once. managed to kill zul on kings rest on a 15 fortified without lust thanks to word of glory. i just hate how pathetic it is in PVP in comparison.

honestly though i wish they would remove the cooldown just to see what kind of silliness would happen. would love to no heal even just a +10 and see how much damage i could still do. probably more than an rdruid i’m pretty sure.

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If Ret is “DPS, the end” , explain this. Word of Glory…a Ret talent, has 2 charges, 1 min Cooldown, requires 3 Holy Power. Heals the 2 lowest HP players near you, you are included if you’re one of the lowest 2. A normal cast of this pars pretty close to a critical heal of Holy Light in our Holy spec, our healing spec, our highest heal we have(aside from Lay on Hands obviously). And when it crits, easily we’ll over 100k Crit pretty much guaranteed(that’s WITHOUT any Intellect buffing spell power), Holy Light doesn’t do that in our healing spec. If Ret isn’t support, why do we have a bigger heal in this spec than our healing spec? For 2 players might I add. And in PVP this specific talent is nerfed by what, like 40% I think? Almost useless in PVP for our own personal survivability, we’re supports.

I’m not sure if you’re referring to PVP or PVE here, but I’m sorry I have to disagree. When it comes to PVE content our value is only visible within our CD window. If Blizz were to extend our Avenging Wrath CD to 5 minutes, it would be disastrous to our damage. And Wake of Ashes REMOVED??? /nearly faints

If you are referring to PVP content (and lord help us if you aren’t), then other solutions need to be found. Do not punish the PVE ret pallies for PVP’s sake!