Is PvP pointless right now? Can someone clarify (or someone point to existing clarification)?

I’ve read the honor reset blue post here: Classic Era PvP Rank Reset Coming with Patch 1.14.4

What is unclear (given the new system) is whether the reset to honor will also be a reset to your rank.

Will you lose your title?

AKA do I have a reason to PvP at all beyond fun/rep/gear bought before reset?

Blues don’t usually reply here, technically you aren’t even supposed to put “blue” in the title just fyi.

Based on the PTR as of right now when this happens everyone gets put to rank 0 and the title gets lost.

Their post said the rank reset will be in 8-12 weeks on May 22nd, that was 8 weeks ago. My personal suggestion is to not try to rank anymore, unless you really are almost done and you want to risk it not counting, and just PVP for fun until now and wait or them to put this in otherwise.


Ok, thank you.

Depends, do you enjoy PvP then yes

Waiting off waiting for the update to grind R14.

do not rank it is a waste of time everyone will get a full rank/honor reset