Is pvp participation really so low that its ignored?

i wanna see the the numbers common aggrend i know you guys can do better with pvp than this.

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7 AB’s running suggests it’s pretty low.

Pvp on SOD for ally is total garbage we can’t do anything to shamans we only hit for 200 damage with any move.


Pvp used to be super popular in SoD. Stv was so populated it caused massive lag and any given time would have 20-30 wsgs and abs.

Then they destroyed class balance to the point that PVP is an unplayable mess and killed basically all interest in it while establishing SoD as having the reputation of the literal worst iteration of WoW pvp to ever have existed ever.

And now that it’s all said and done the remainder of the community delusionally pretends pvp isn’t popular(despite the fact that pvp servers are actually usually if not always more populated than PvE servers on fresh launches) and that fixing pvp wouldn’t be enough alone to bring back so many players.

So yeah basically SoD has both devs who do not play pvp and 75% of the remaining players are PvE andies who don’t care either so honestly there is no point whatsoever in holding out hope for SoD pvp ever getting any sort of decent or playable or desirable again :confused:


Sorry for your rogue, roll a boomy and melt us with 4K starfires

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Shamans are so powerful that they can just ignore their entire team and non-stop nuke the way a mage SHOULD be able to. I pointed this out in a BG to a shaman Sinpaku that he and another shaman running around full mana with 2 warrior and a hunter behind them eating for 1min straight and he became extremely toxic which then I ignored him. Even told his guild buddies in Deja Vu guild to harass me to get around the ignore, just insane that these people queue for group PvP. I would say the average skill level for a PvPer in SoD is extremely low and can’t read situations, and despite this, their class can nuke most into the dirt. This leads to alliance not even wanting to PvP. They can carry the entire team without a single windfury totem or a single heal going out.

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PvP is down in every version of the game cuz they ruined it in every version of the game. Artificially inflating numbers and the such.

I think in their head their audience interested in PvP is supposed to do what their PvE always customers have done… Raid-log? Or in this case stop PvPing once all rank/vendor gear is acquired, no need to patch further.

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I don’t understand why it can’t be done. Paying $15 a month for a video game is a lot tbh. Why is it IMPOSSIBLE to balance PvE and PvP? This is one of the largest corporations in gaming industry. $14 of your sub goes to the shareholders and the devs get $0.50 and $0.50 to bobby.

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its sad, they have the data, they already have certain abilities not hitting players as hard as mobs, I would think it would be easy to fix the burst on some classes.

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Seeing as you literally can’t do anything in PvP unless and until you get the highest rank gear which still takes weeks from hard rank gates… it’s terrible for anyone without that gear.

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they need to do a starter set like wrath if this is going to go on…

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Participation is low in general in SoD at the moment. As much as I’d prefer this game mode be the most popular, it simply isn’t.

Too many excessive changes have alienated too many classic enjoyers.

If they introduced Death Knights into SoD then maybe, just maybe… There would be a hard counter to shamans in PvP

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If they introduce DK, I hope you have to sacrifice a level 55 character for it like it should have been in the first place.

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This is a good point, a stam heavy starter set at low pvp ranks

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Not my idea, just read it somewhere, but a rank 11 weapon set with the 5% damage reductions would be really good

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if sod continues they need a cartable set on par with mc stuff.

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