Is prot that bad?

I made the mistake of watching tier list videos. I know, dumb on my part. However, most seem to talk about the potential of port, likely because of utility, but say that it’s currently in need of help.

Is it that’s bad, really?

It’s really good for m+, but for raid it’s always been a bit imperfect. It’s good for offheals, but single target damage is bad.

The new patch allows you to take Soaring Shield and Focused Enmity at the same time though, so a bit nicer for Tyrannical single targetting. But also, all tanks got nerfed pretty hard. Doesn’t change though that prot has a kit tailor made for m+: Kicks out the bum, externals, offheals. And Divine Toll is one of the strongest tools in the game for m+. But yeah, I’m not sure if a hardcore mythic raid team will invite you to tank given the single target damage profile.


The tank changes on beta obliterated paladin.

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Prot is on life support right now in the beta, unless Blizz does something it’s going to be dead on arrival when the expansion launches.

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Every tier list I’ve seen puts prot pally as not only the worst tank in the game in TWW, but the worst class, period. I’m still going to play it, I hope it just gets the love it needs.

I play bdk, pwarr and prot paladin a lot. I’ve only run one key on each last night and only a +10. My dk is the most geared(528) with my paladin(524) being slightly more geared than my warrior(522).

Paladin felt a lot weaker than the other two.

I was surprised to see shining light stack to two charges. But I’d rather it give a partial absorb instead of heal on paladin.

All of dragon flight paladin felt weak than the other tanks. I managed to hit 3k on my pally pretty much each of the seasons.

It’s playable and works it just feels like if I didn’t do everything right I would die. Consecrate I love the idea of the ability but it being stationary in a world that constantly make you move is kinda meh

I only play to KSH and I am pretty casual so I do make mistakes. I was planning to main port/ret pally and hunter. Try a few keys last night port pally is aorund ivl 524. Doing low keys 0 to 5+ it felt the same to me since well I over gear the content so I don’t feel that weak. The nerf to wings hurts though.

Doing keys in the +8 to +10 range yea it felt bad. I feel like my def wasn’t enough and the WoG proc didn’t heal as much as I like I feel my Def CD needs to be reverted back since before I can run a DEf CD Tyr and it would last longer so I can use it when I pull a few mobs. Now Tyr is way too short and you have to time it for tank buster mostly and have to make sure to time is correctly.

Not fun at all. Good thing I also have a druid and brew that’s pretty well gear so I might change. Although feral druid is also not hlooking good now while guaridan durid is still mech. WW nonk looks very fun to play and Brew never felt more fun (test it yesterday).

I am swtiching main if tanks don’t work out I might just play an Aug evoker

Aren’t we moving away from it?
They reduced (removed?) the DR effect of consecration from the mastery, removed the talent that increased the DR and gave us a talent that makes us keep the benefit for 4 seconds once we leave it.

This is a step in the right direction IMO.

As for the rest, it’s all tuning related.
Biggest gripe I still have with it is the side “non-HP related” gimmick that AS has going on.

It’s like it’s trying to be it’s own thing outside of the Holy Power frame and it just feels weird to me.

I always feel like I’m “falling” behind on HP rotation when I use it.
It works, just feel bad, to me at least.

They mini buffed shield of the righteous.

Yes /10char

they wont unfortunately. They truly dont care about certain classes anymore.