Is prepatch the end of mythic+ season 4?

When the prepatch comes out is that over for m+? Or will we still be able to chase higher rating until TWW? Ive played a bunch of prepatches but wasnt really into mythic + until DF. Very fun expansion

Take a break and eat cake

Keys are still open, dungeon pool doesn’t change, rating is still available, but your rating when prepatch starts is what’s calculated for title and you can’t earn any extra rewards. At least that’s what usually happens.


Can you still get flightstones or crests and upgrade gear or mogs from season 4? Or do those all become vendorable gray items when prepatch hits? Raids will be awakened until TWW so … do they still award crests or flightstones and can the gear be catalyzed?

@ Hpellipsis Ok thats cool thanks for explaining! The wording on the official post didnt make sense to me haha. I just wanna run some keys on this toon and my alt, not going for a new title or anything! Gonna be a fun prepatch testing period for new specs :grin: