Is playing on a lower resolution beneficial to a GPU?

So I’ve been playing New World a little, and the graphics were always stretched and blurry. Turns out I had the resolution to 1920x1800 when I really needed 2560x1080. My question is will fixing my resolution make my GPU work harder? It’s already working so hard!

Sorry for the stupid question.

The short answer is that it will make your GPU work harder. Your CPU will become less of a bottleneck, as will any geometry-related portions of the GPU pipeline, as they now represent an even smaller amount of the overall workload.

How much is what will vary. If your frame rate happened to decrease by exactly the same proportion as your pixel count increased (ie 4/3 the pixels at 3/4 the frame rate) then the load would be almost identical. Since you’re unlikely to have had such an equal exchange, however, you can assume that any disparity is roughly in line with the increase in power draw and graphical workload.

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It’s what I feared. Damn that increase in power draw and graphical workload!
I complain but it’s not that bad, my card is holding up. I’m not seeing much of a difference tbh.
thank you.

I mean, it isn’t normally something I’d worry about. These cards are designed to operate at near enough 100% load for sustained periods of time. Gaming often won’t peg a card at 100% anyway due to other inefficiencies pulling it down, which is why stress testing programs like FurMark exist. Once they get a little older and the paste degrades or dust starts to inhabit the HSF things might get a little more questionable, but even then they tend to still have a bit of headroom.

The trouble comes when you push them beyond 100% and hold them there, which is what New World appears to be doing to some cards (mostly EVGA 3090s) - without overclocking. They’re over-engineered a bit, but I’ve seen video showing these cards going as much as 26% outside of spec which is always going to be a roll of the dice.

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Well 1920x1800 is actually higher resolution than 2560x1080… so you should be fine.

looks like you’re on a ultrawide monitor…?

try stepping down to 1920 by 800something(?)… i’m not even sure that resolution is available but it’s a 21:9 ratio

I’m fine guys, thanks. My resolution is now 2560x1920, as it should be.
It used to be 1080, not 1800 pixels (my bad).
Everything is looking much better now, sorta… I know it’s weird, but I thought the blur was intentional at first, to reduce lag and such. It gave the game a stylized dreamy feel lol.

To answer the original question:

The first number in your case is 2560, which is the number of pixels across the screen left to right.

The second number in your case is 1080, which is the number of pixels top to bottom.

To find the total area of a rectangle multiply height x width

2,764,800 is the total number of pixels your monitor displays.

This is an ultrawide resolution. Any time you change resolutions your game should reflect that. In the case you go below the maximum resolution of the monitor, what will happen is while in full screen viewing, multiple pixels will be populated by the same coloration, and the GPU will essentially fire that information out reducing the workload it has. If you do this in windowed mode, it might just shrink the window.

New World does have issues with power draw though, and I would suggest watching this video to learn more about it.

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