Is physical discipline still a thing

And do you agree with it


It can be, but you really have to stick with the program. Jog by day, lift by night. Feel the burn! :weight_lifting_woman:

I don’t disagree with it, but the way of the beefcake is not for me. No discipline, only chill.


No I don’t agree with it

Yes. I physically discipline mobs every day. It usually ends up with them dead and me slightly richer.

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Are you trying to get people arrested? That’s not very nice!

I’m going to tell my kid the only way he can transition into adulthood at the age of 18 is by battling his father, me.

I’ll then proceed to beat the crap out of him for all the bs he will put me though.

Pinch them to get their attention and then give them the staredown.

They know what they did…

Spare the rod, spoil the child imo.

I wish it were a thing for irrelevant and silly topics on GD

Truth be told, we need distraction threads like this occasionally. GD can be rather dull.