Is Petri usable in TBC?

I am trying to understand why some people fight so hard against the idea of TBC hardcore.

Because it nerfs the regular world which defeats the whole point of HC.

That would be easily solvable by just not nerfing it as part of a HC server.

I think there’s some issues with TBC raid balance (some fights are crazy pre-nerf and then a joke post-nerf), but the only other issue would be is if you push servers to TBC HC then anyone who likes Vanilla content is out of the picture for 60 content.

I would assume they would keep a classic server. Tbc would be an additional server. I think the classic servers would become ghost towns as there’s more to do in TBC.

I don’t really think people are against HC TBC, it’s just Blizzard decided they wouldn’t any more into HC, perhaps they will change this decision.

That’s kind of the fear lots of people have been perpetuating since the idea of Classic ever came into existence; hasn’t really been an issue though. The population may support it via bringing back more players, but the more variations you create the more fragmented the playerbase ultimately becomes.

I’m personally interested in seeing if tbc HC is even possible with the raids in a pre-nerf form.

SSC and TK trash is harder than any naxx boss.

If no petri, I think if you practiced on a normal server SSC/TK should be viable, though probably have to work your way slowly thru them though. Definitely not casual friendly.

I keep going back to Lady Vashj.

Like I know there are guilds that would succeed, I just don’t know how many.

Agreed, same with Vanish and Feign Death. Rogues and Hunters should learn to commit to their gameplay and not fallback on crutches to erase their mistakes.