Is not using Animal Companion a big DPS loss?

I have to take it anyway to go down the center line, but I didn’t realize the tooltip states: This pet will obey your kill command, but cannot use pet family abilities and both of your pets deal 35% reduced damage."

I hate having a second pet with BM. If you don’t fill the Animal Companion stable slot at the stables, it just makes it that you don’t have one. I’m just curious if that will be detrimental to my DPS now that I see it does have a downside.



What having that ability means is that because you have 2, each deal 35% reduced damage than what 1 single pet does.
However, the overall damage is still higher with 2 in the long run.
Although I’m not a mathematician so I can’t say by how much. I don’t think it would be too detrimental though if you only want 1, as the damage reduction only happens if you have 2 out, or that is my understanding of it anyway.

Not a fan of two pets.
The BM tree is kind of clunky without going down the center though. I guess Blizzard has been inching this way to make BM the 2 pet (plus more temp summons) standard.
Funny that Survival talents uses kill command so much.


In the Beta test, level 71+, when the Pack Leader talents could be picked, not using Animal Companion wasn’t a dps loss for single target only. With the Aspect of the Beast talent and Pack leader talents, the increases to the one pet’s basic attack damage made up for not have two pets.

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