Is my room ready Night Elves?

I’ll have a 9:00am wake up call as well and please do not disturb. I’ve been killing Elves all night and I need my rest now.

Thank you.

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Don’t mind me and my electric chainsaw blade. I’m just here to do an inspection…yea…an inspection…

How dare you!

You’ll be waking up in the Maw, orc.

Sorry, you’re not That Guy and your request was denied. Also, you stink.

Al-diel shala, friend :purple_heart:

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Can the staff not follow instructions? I said do not disturb!

I wish to see the manager and want a discount on my room.

Learn how to use your phone alarm

Just so you know I didn’t get my 9:00am wake up call.

Thrall is disappointed.


You’re dead, you don’t need to sleep. Maybe a good sauna though?

Oh look, another orc thinking he’s relevant in society.


I’m a fellow elf and I must admit Kal’dorei (deliberate spelling) are fun to stab. Feel a bit guilty about it though, unlike with humans.

Ahahahahahaha! Indeed!

Oooouch! That hurt loool