Is multiboxing bannable?

Your tears are delicious.

Actually. It is only you people here complaining about MB, not me. You people even flagged my post here because you got upset.

People not upset about something don’t post the way you do.

Then no. You’re good. Multi-boxing isn’t bad. Automation is

So you’re a jealous person who can’t afford it. That legit is the only type of person who does not like MBs.

MBs don’t bother me, and they are allowed to play anyways.

Is it okay to just have the second player on follow while your twink levels them in TW dungeons?

It’s a ton of fun OP!

I think everyone should try it at least once.

I used to run my BM Hunter and Disc Priest together, then I expanded to 4 toons and that was just too much, I’d get confused and it’d get messy.

But for sure it was a total blast.

Good luck!

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PvP has been ruining PvE here since Vanilla.