Is monk the second class for a charge ability?

I was looking at the patch notes, other than evoker, does the new FSK talent make monk the only other class with a charge abiiity?

I also noticed this. I think that besides the earthen racial We are the first besides evoker.

I honestly did think monk would be a good candidate considering the physical nature of our kit

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Now they just need to give a 4th range spec and give a chi blast ability that is charged.

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That is bad unless it can be used while moving. If it can be then it could be cool


I didn’t even think about that. Standing still to charge it would feel significantly worse even if it does get damage.

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It’s the spell that existed in plunderstorm so I’d imagine it’s the same and you can charge while moving slightly


The one that would slow you to a crawl and would miss the target 90% of the time, and it did no damage most of time?

That one?

The one every plunder storm guide said to avoid picking up?

At this point for monk that would make sense to give us it lol. We are truly the step child of wow.

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Like how you can google guides for plunderstorm and they all say Slicing Winds suck as an ability only pick it up until you can replace it, that’s the ability they are giving us?

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Those guides sound awful, since slicing winds was one of the strongest and most versatile offensive powers. Slicing winds + smackeral was probably the most devastating offensive setup. Smackeral had extremely high dps and you had no escape from it unless you also had slicing winds. Same with axe, but axe was a lot easier to counter with bulwark than smackeral. Slicing winds hard enabled these 2 abilities.

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You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t value your opinion on WW pvp, as we have seen you are clueless on WW in pvp. You literally said in other threads you don’t think the karma nerf is a bad idea.

Melee builds in pluder storm where garbage. Everyone that actually tried to win ran poke builds from ranged. Melee was so bad in plunder storm you could juke even peoples standard attacks.

I’ll stay with guys like peekaboo, Faxxax, and other rank 1’s who know what works and what doesn’t. You know the guys who ran Ice lance and elemental combo builds (that one that had 3 casts to it) in plunder storm.

You can literally watch videos of people using slicing winds right now and they will go just slightly behind the target and it does zero damage to a npc that was standing still. WW monk is already dealing with AI npc clones that bug out, we don’t need more of this.


Plunder storm isn’t Monk pvp

The people I was responding to were talking about pve, so idk why you’re even stuck on the pvp argument

Melee builds were meta the moment they buffed melee abilities. You had far more damage available than poke builds and slicing winds enabled you to engage at will and disengage if you ever got jumped. Slicing winds at rank 4 was hands down the best movement ability.

Also, the movement penalty on certain melee abilities didn’t mean anything since you could always double jump before starting the cast to move at full speed until you hit the ground. Was my favorite way to use searing axe. Didn’t really work that well with slicing because it it often wouldn’t propel you through the air and would instead just drop you to the ground.

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I feel like this will make monk slower…Flying Dragon was am awesome mobility skill…

It definitely needs to be chargeable while moving. Honestly chi burst seems like a better candidate for This. It could become a true hadoeken.

Maybe on the final tier it knocks down targets.


What are you on lol, it was the meta spell in plunderstorm

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I don’t think it’s a charge up ability.

To me that indicates that I’ll go short distance if I just tap the ability, or farther if I hold it down.

It’s going to be a talent, not removing flying serpent


Notes said somewhere Flying Serpent is being removed.

Maybe its a choice node?

No it’s a talent at the bottom of the tree and if you choose it it replaces FSK


Lol, what? Dude, melee builds slapped. Wind Slice with with Axe or Smackral would dumpster people pretty regularly.

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