I can’t play bm anymore. Just can’t do it man… The rotation is so mind numbing and boring especially compared to my other more engaging toons like warrior, dk, and monk.
How far is mm behind bm currently? Is it really as bad as they say?? Right now my focus is just to get to 70.
I’m not sure where you got the information that MM was bad or much worse than BM. MM can be a bit challenging when leveling alone in world content as the pet can only hold aggro on a single enemy. However, MM still can still perform well even after the removal of Double Tap (high burst damage was impacted most).
BM Hunter is performing well in the Raid only after acquiring the legendary bow. This is due to the synergy of increasing attack speed and pet damage. MM only gains about 3-4% extra damage with the legendary bow. That is not to say that BM is nothing without it, however it is certainly much needed for min-maxers looking to eke out every bit of damage increase. The bow effects single target damage making BM a good choice for Raids and dungeon bosses. Their AoE is a bit low as Beast Cleave isn’t tuned effectively. MM Hunter can still do good AoE damage with Volley/Salvo, Explosive Shot, and Trick Shots into Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire.
All that needs to be said is give it a try. You won’t know how well they perform unless you spec into it and queue for some content.
Hunter overall survivability is another issue for a separate thread.
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Wait…you think warrior rotation is more engaging than BM…id love to hear an explanation of this.
Is this an alt posting or are you 61 and posting about gameplay when youre not even 70?
As someone who plays fury and BM my mind is blown right now. If havent played DK since SL and never played monk so ill have to believe you there
So much wrong. You don’t raid do you?
MM is better in easy content (M+), but in challenging raid environments BM is far, FAR better now.
Kindly stop spreading misinformation.
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As mm I destroy both surv and bm quite easly in pvp. Our burst is just too good to skip compared to bm. Even with dt gone im always top dps in rss and can often one shot people from stealth
I like how easy BM is.
Every class deserved an easy spec like BM
Onslaught build is extremely fun and engaging. Raging blow build is boring.
It isn’t misinformation as the Op never specified.
I also never said BM and MM are comparable in a raid. I indicated that BM fairs so much better in a raid with the legendary bow. Also, that BM is better at ST than AoE.
If you can’t post on a Hunter main, then take your mental drivel elsewhere.
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Pretty much expect to build and learn both BM and MM specs to be competitive in raids. You will use BM for single target, MM for trash/AOE fights.
Survivability is terrible either way, you will need a good healer that knows to keep you topped off. You can’t not take damage and Hunters will die first, even if you do everything perfectly.
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I perfer MM to be bad im tired of having to kick them because their MM and dont have lust.
A good hunter would play both based of content they are doing each has a respectable damage profile. BM more mobile and can do full rotation constantly moving. MM slaps for some very nice burst each have a niche. Think top dps on primal council is MM. I play MM more on my hunter because I enjoy it more but do play BM other times when needed. The bow definitely helps
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Can literally cast lust while dismissing pet before pull even have a second or two after dismiss to get it off and still get Lone wolf buff.
For PVE anyways, MM > BM > SV.
The class as a whole is in the bottom half performance-wise. BM does beat MM in the Raid at LFR->Heroic, with MM significantly better in Mythic. Either way it’s like who is fighting over the “best of the worst”. Different story for M+ with MM the clear “winner” (if slightly below average makes you a winner) over the other hunter specs.
Poor survival. You guys got pooped on by Blizz between the talent tree not having many melee-friendly options and overall output just not being good. At least for pve anyways.
No idea what things are like for PVP
look my opinion when it comes to pvp on this topic is this and it comes for a dual glad as mm hunter (mop and Lich king):
mm has currently a much higher skill cap due to the amount of melee cleaves, that usually always targets the mm hunter for two simple reasons:
1- the hunter is the easiest to kill on almost any setup
2- mm hunter free casting is way too dangerous like destro locks for instance
so for those two reasons mm hunters require more luck when it comes to solo qs, a good healer when it comes to planned 3s so the hunter can free style a little more. because the mm hunter has less survivability than a BM hunter with the extra perks from pet, also the ability to never have to cast allows bm hunters to move around much more smoothly.
the only problem with BM is that fact it has zero burst, and the play style is a little boring.
its not any easier than MM because keeping ur stacks up which gives huge damage buff requires good coordination, its just easier because ur not really the one out there pumping out the damage like a mm hunter would have to be doing.
I hope that the next tree changes allows mm to be a little better than it is, and hopefully by then the hunter tree has gotten some survivability improvements as well.
Erm, no. MM is not clearly better than BM, at all. BM is always better single-target, and the majority of bosses in VotI are better single-target. The only fight in the entire raid where MM has a clear advantage is Council. BM is also perfectly good in M+, again because it has a better balance between ST and AoE damage. This is especially true on Tyrannical weeks, where IMO I would always take BM over MM in high keys.
Kurog? Broodkeeper? Erranog? Dathea?
Do you people just talk out of their butt constantly?
All fights that can be run competitively with a ST spec as the add phases are short. Did you have an actual point here somewhere?
BM hunter is the worst spec in the game on Kurog
MM literally out performs BM on almost all fights outside of Terros and Sennarth.
On Mythic BM is better on Terros, Sennarth, and Dathea. On Heroic (personally I don’t give two craps about Mythic rankings) BM is better on every fight except Raz, Council, and maybe Brood though it’s basically a tie there. So no, it’s really not the difference that you think it is.
Noobdy cares whether you care about Mythic or not but thats what raids are based on.
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