Is MCING A Player Off A High Place During A Duel Considered Griefing?

I think if you’re friends with the player and you believe they’ll have a good sense of humor about it it’s fine. Repeatedly doing that in duels with random players is probably not good etiquette.

Unless you specifically agreed to not do exactly that? No. You start a duel without any stipulations on what is viable, then everything is on the table.

I don’t think it’s griefing because first and foremost you accept the duel you accept the risks. Additionally no preduel stipulations about don’t use pots, or MC etc so fair game.

The scenario in question is funny indeed and i had a similar incident in EotS with a dracthyr blowing half the team off the middle bridge.

If i open a duel with a mortal coil and it sends my opponent into mobs that’s the way the cookie breaks.

Personally I don’t accept duels in the wild because too many variables at play.

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This is about hardcore non lethal dueling though. Not retail dueling. No one cares about that.

yup, all these cutey wootsy “why is it not allowed?” replies don’t cut it anymore. killing someone intentionally during a normal duel that is supposed to result in no deaths is obviously griefing, and people can and should report you for it. you will probably get suspended, and rightfully so :expressionless:


if they do it intentionally? yes. and nobody believes you did it by accident :expressionless:

at the end of the day, because of you griefers and griefer sympathizers, the smart thing to do is reject all duels. thanks to you, we now can’t have that fun part of the game.

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Then my first point is still relevant, accept the duel accept the risk - end of story. Doesn’t matter if it’s hardcode, retail, etc.

No one forced them to accept the duel, consequences happen.


Duel your friends or guildmates then.

Accepting duels from random people and there’s a good chance at getting griefed. There’s always a choice and risk is all I am saying.

It’s obviously griefing, but I think griefing in hardcore can be very funny.

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/forfeit would have been the better option :joy:

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You must have missed that part.

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That’s clearly covered in their stated policy.

Yes, intentionally killing someone outside of duel to the death or intentional flagging or wargames is clearly against their stated policy. Whether or not they’ll ever be able to accurately enforce it is another question though.

Everything is not on the table in a normal duel. That’s why they literally added duel to the death as a separate feature. If you intentionally kill someone in a normal duel you are clearly violating Blizzard’s stated policy. I have no idea how they’ll enforce it since I don’t think they have much of a support staff left, but the policy itself is clearly stated.

You don’t accept the risk of intentionally being killed in a normal duel, that’s why duel to the death was added.

It does because Blizzard literally told you that it does. See the rules of engagement and actually read them.

No, if you read the entire post in its entire context, non-lethal duels clearly are not a type of PvP covered in which you can intentionally kill someone. Re-read it.


I did.

The difference being, I actually understood it.

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If you think you can intentionally kill someone in a normal duel, you did not understand what you read and need to work harder in the future.

You keep talking about intent as if it’s something you can prove.

You a mind reader?

I already stated I doubt they can accurately enforce the policy, but the policy is unambiguous when it comes to the topic of this thread and clearly intentionally killing someone in a normal duel is against the rule they stated in their “rules for engagement.”

Realistically they’d need a support staff very familiar with the game that could go over chat and combat logs for every report, which doesn’t seem like something they could actually do in practice. Or they could have a fancy replay system like in OW that combines chat logs and network logs to recreate what happened at the time, but I highly doubt they went to the trouble to create something like that.

They didn’t kill him.

He fell off a cliff.

That’s terrible reasoning.

“I didn’t do my due diligence so you should be punished.”

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No, that’s what you’ve interpreted it to mean. Doesn’t make it a fact.

I would argue that a duel, by definition, is PvP; so by engaging in a duel you have intentionally flagged yourself for PvP against that person.

Which would mean that a death by a duel, even a regular duel, is not griefing by Blizzard’s own rules as you had to intentionally flag yourself.

Quit assuming your interpretation of the rules is the only valid one.


If only more people would understand that, we would see a lot less stupidity.

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