Is MCING A Player Off A High Place During A Duel Considered Griefing?

Asking for a friend of course. Just curious what the jury says on this. Technically the person who controls the person off the high place is just trying to win the duel after all. What do you think?


Lol… i don’t consider it as griefing but that is really funny.


Personally I don’t consider it a grief for the reason of what hardcore is. Hardcore is about measuring risk, there are many ways someone can die whether that be running past a horde guard or alt tabbing not realizing an elite will path towards them. When you accept a duel you also have to be aware of your environment in the same way. Nobody forces you to hit the duel button, if you hit it in a place where there is some height you can die from you willingly take that risk in my opinion.



If it’s a normal duel and not a duel to the death, yes, it’s obviously griefing.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  1. Don’t duel in high places. That’s silly.
  2. If you do duel… did you tell the priest no mind control?

… the friend you’re asking for kinda walked into this, didn’t they? seems kinda griefy… but also why would anyone do this?

Why? It’s just a priest using thier ability. You accepted a duel in a high place.


I mean have a /forfeit duel macro an gg ur good to stop it problem solved


Why would that be griefing? Someone accepts the duel, and you’re not allowed to use your abilities?

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Because of common sense and because Blizzard told you so already

Gameplay that involves Zone Disruption and malicious player killing outside of consensual PvP will not be tolerated on Hardcore realms.

By this, we mean deliberate action to hamper or significantly impede the ability of other players to enjoy the game, such as (but not limited to) repeatedly killing quest NPCs or kiting important quest mobs far away from their spawn location to prevent them from being killed.

Most importantly, this also includes taking actions to deliberately cause the death of another player, such as (but not limited to) kiting higher level or elite mobs onto or near other players with the intent that they take damage and die, or deliberately causing a wipe in a raid or dungeon group. This is not a PvP realm, and the normal PvP realm rules do not in any way apply to this realm. Outside of a normal Duel to the Death, consensual PvP flagging, or Wargames killing other players isn’t the core goal of Hardcore gameplay. If players are found to make it their goal to take part in this kind of disruptive style of play, we reserve the right to take immediate and decisive action against anyone found to be deliberately causing this disruption to other players on these realms, including permanent account closure.

*** This is not a PvP realm, and the normal PvP realm rules do not in any way apply to this realm. Outside of a normal Duel to the Death, consensual PvP flagging, or Wargames killing other players isn’t the core goal of Hardcore gameplay. If players are found to make it their goal to take part in this kind of disruptive style of play, we reserve the right to take immediate and decisive action against anyone found to be deliberately causing this disruption to other players on these realms, including permanent account closure. ***

Of course I’m assuming the scenario in question is a normal duel and not a duel to the death and that the place you MCed them off of was high enough to kill them.


Is this any different to dueling next to a monster losing the duel then being 1 shot? Or having a rouge cast distract and you auto run off a cliff? I mean you consented to a duel in a dangerous location.

Also blizzard is blatantly killing so many people in unfair ways by having dynamic hyperspawns that didn’t exist in the capacity in vanilla. But that’s ok?

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Of course! A person consented to non-lethal combat with you, so now you’re 100% in the clear to murder them in cold blood. After all, your honor and nothing else is on the line.

Like, you know this is wrong, right? We shouldn’t have to tell you you’re the bad guy in this situation, right?


It is, with the key words being intent and consent.

The player in OP’s scenario is intentionally using the duel in order to cause an irreversible death to a non-consenting player.


What if you flag yourself for PvP as a level 1, a level 30 kills you, and a level 60 ganks the 30?

He accepted a duel in a terrain that screwed him. Open worl fear people into packs etc. Got people multiboxing starting a duel with what you think is the lvl 1 next to you and a pack of higher levels is hidi g behind corner.


I’d consider it griefing tbh, unless it was a Mak’gora duel.

But, I’d also consider the person accepting any duel against a class that can mind control you, on a place that has a ledge and a drop far enough to kill you, to also be incredibly stupid.

You’re playing on a hardcore server, any duel runs the risk of having your character dead and gone forever. These are risks that no one can be blissfully unaware of because you click “I AGREE” to the hardcore rules before making a character.


So the mages who PoM Pyro and Sappers Charge to kill you when the duel ends, are griefing due to a bug in gameplay??

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Maybe the person accepting the duel should just accept that they made a dumb decision instead of crying to mommy.


Yes. Yes they are.