There’s a little hype around classic era “fresh” community servers and i wonder if it’s worth investing time there. For the people who have played on it. Is the community thriving or it’s pretty much dead ?
Right now the DD horde community is pretty active. I see groups ranging from RFC to SM advertised fairly often in the LFG channel. Fair few people in the world, at least Barrens and starting areas anyway. Org can be a little empty but in the evenings it picks up.
I love it, although I guess it might not be for everyone. I play Alliance on the Mankrik cluster.
What hype are you seeing? I’m not saying you’re right or wrong, I’m just curious what kind of hype you’re referring to.
(Edit: totally misread the post. Anyway, best of luck with whatever you decide to do)
Streamer hype for Fresh projects on Deviate Delight and Grobbulus, as they aren’t part of the PvP/PvE clusters.
Small correction, fresh project/streamer hype is happening on DD only.
Grobbulus has two active guild that have been around for 3 years raiding! Horde are in BWL and Alliance has killed KT. We are like a small commune opposite of streamer hype doing our thing
Out of curiosity, can you still transfer off DD for free if you’re not liking the vibe? That might mitigate your concerns of invested time.
My apologies for the misinformation. I should have checked that before posting.
No you cant. I have a lvl 16 on DD I made a few days ago and u cant xfer for free to whitemane (or anywhere). U have to pay to xfer off of DD, xfer to DD is not supported at all (even for $).
People may not want to admit it, but there are windows of opportunity. Your experiences in classic WoW can vary wildly depending on timing. That was always one of the best and worst things about vanilla. When it’s good - it’s great. When it’s not - it’s dead.
If you’re just trying to squeeze in a couple hours of quality gaming time, then I’d say set your expectations low. Stick to leveling and be prepared to be disappointed. Try to coordinate with other people. You’ll have to be flexible. You may not get to do what YOU want at that particular time, but if you are open to opportunity - you may get a good experience anyway.
“You can’t always get what you want/ But if you try sometimes, you might find/ You get what you need,” - Rolling Stones

No you cant.
Ah too bad, but I guess that’s the downside of the attention Blizzard gave it when they turned off transfers in. I appreciate that they’re supporting it, but the flip side is that they’re not going to give up the transfer fee.
Still, for most folks the transfer fee isn’t all that bad. I know if I were looking for fresh I would still find it a decent option. I know it’s not ideal for some, but if you’re looking for the fresh experience, it’s still a way to mitigate risk.
Good luck out there, folks!
You are all good