Is m+10 really that easy?

I see so many people with 400+ ilvl and I seem to be perpetually stuck with my gear averaging between 385-390 (in tank spec gear). Ignoring raids because we are still stuck on normal (don’t ask), is m+10 considered easy?

I know sanguine+necrotic wasn’t the most pleasant of weeks, but I feel frustrated that the best I’ve done thus far is a +7 (didn’t make it in time, but we were close). Is everyone just running m+ with their friends and guild mates? Best my guild mates and I did was a +5. +6 was a wipefest…

I feel like I’m capable of more but my gear isn’t reflecting it…


Difficulty is relative. What might be easy for some might not be the same for others.

Best to try it out for yourself and see how you fare, but since you’re wiping on +5 and +6s, it’ll be good to look up videos and guides and look for areas of improvement if you’re really serious about it.


Focus on clearing Normal still, and get some attempts on Heroic every week, till you completely switch to Heroic.

I haven’t ran anything higher than a +6 and we went a minute and a half over time last week.

The chest is good I guess but it is only 1 piece of gear.

(I am 395)

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Nice to know that I’m not the only person like that. Mythic dungeons stress the living sh** out of me. I usually run as a healer and it is hard. (Suppose to be hard, I know) It’s the clock, the rat race to the end. So I only do low keys, some people are not meant to do high level mythic stuff, and I am one of them.


Thanks. I think my biggest issue is my anxiety over the timer itself. I usually drink a little to keep my nerves calm (not too much though) otherwise I’m a complete mess when I’m sober (should have measured my heart rate before BfA in 1v1 encounters with Horde!). I know my class well enough, though I probably need a bit more practice memorizing trash packs to pull vs. those I shouldn’t. Beyond that, I’ve had more dps accidentally pull than anything else.

I’m more self critical and prefer not to look at others as the problem until I’m 100% certain. Anything’s possible, but I’ll continue to watch video guides and improve my reflexes.


While most threads will tell you, “join a guild, run with friends, get a consistent group”, the fact is that not all of our friends will take the time to study mob abilities, what to interrupt, how to position a pull, where to use knockbacks, and treat M+ in the same way that they treat progression raiding - and that’s what it takes, treating it like endgame content that you need to continually improve on to be better at.

So maybe for you just take advantage of the time with your friends to acclimate to dungeons, but then try and push higher keys in pugs or with a different set of friends.

If your guild is stuck on normal, they might not be the best place to find people who can consistently chest +10 keys, unfortunately.

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M+ is a different sort of difficulty and I’m not the best to go into detail unfortunately.
Essentially the timer creates a different sort of difficulty which favour efficiency over simply “being good” at the game.

You can know how to play the game yet not be able to pull efficiently, or know correct dungeon paths, or not use mobility cooldowns between packs etc that can all hurt your timing.

On top of that you have all your affixes and how they interact with the dungeon as well.

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Now I’m wondering if I should take a step back and run low keys that I can beat easily, despite them not dropping upgrades. Building up my muscle memory and speed, so that in several weeks, a +10 won’t be as much of a daunting challenge as it seems right now.

I had never ran a +7 before last week. 2 weeks prior was when my guild ran the +5 and +6. So maybe I should hover around the +5 mark until that becomes a no brainer.

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I can’t actually comment on your skill since I’ve never watched you play, but for high M+ keys, and I personally believe a +10 isn’t a high key, there are certain nuances and tricks that every class can use to their advantage.

It’s great that you’ve the mindset of wanting to improve and be self critical, however I’ll caution against thinking you know your class well enough. M+ really punishes even the slightest of mistakes.

As for anxiety over the timer, my advice is to just ignore it and focus on the fundamentals of a successful M+ run first, things like optimal routes and getting familiar with different affixes. You can worry about the timer later.


I mean I refused to run even +5-7 keys with some raiders in my guild who are around or above 400 because they got that gear level through almost exclusively raiding and didn’t want to take time to familiarize themselves with mythic dungeons before suddenly all wanting to run +10’s. Running what you feel comfortable in while still keeping it difficult enough to challenge you on repeat until you’re ready to take the next step with the same efficiency is the best path, if you ask me.

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Thanks. This is definitely what I’m leaning towards at this point. If anything the +6 that my guild and I didn’t make in time as well as the 2x +7s that I did with a pug (didn’t make in time as well) was a good indicator on my current skill. Now’s the perfect time to go back into +5s, get used to each dungeon (since I haven’t done m+ in every dungeon yet), and start pushing slowly upward.


I wouldn’t go for “low keys” as the aim is certainly still to push yourself to develop and see where small improvements can be made.
If you continue to push around those 5-6 marks though you will certainly improve, and there is no cost to not meeting the time, you still get loot.

Eventually you will find it to be easier and easier and you can transition those skills into higher keys (probably without even intending to through timing and upgrading your current keys).
If you do that approach what I would suggest is that you try and get as much experience with various dungeons as well, not just the same few.
What this will actually do is also boost your raider io score up at the same time as you are practising.

Then if you want to try M+ runs with PuGs you will be in a much better shape to meet some of the requirements that people set these days.

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Well i have never had a dedicated group to do them. And i see pugs fail utterly at a plus 3… so no way in hell I’m gonna be clearing 10s on a regular basis.

If you have a raid group regularly doing heroic raids the mythic plus are moot.

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Here’s to hoping that my guild can improve their dps and reaction time to normal Blockade mechanics so that we can start pushing heroics. We used to raid 1 day a week, then we added two days every other week. I’m getting a bit impatient but it’s not easy to find a guild that raids on Saturday & Sunday! That’s part of the reason why I’m pushing m+ because a decent portion of my guild has already outgeared normal BDA content (including me)…

Man, I’m sorry to read this. I’ll do my best to keep this in mind if there’s ever a heated debate on here so as to help relax and keep the prose cool, calm and collected.

Though I typically agree with your sentiments, so I don’t foresee this occurring on my end!

I, too, get anxious in Mythic pluses - even with my group of friends! It’s a matter of not wanting to let them down and understanding that as tank - (or, truly, any role in a 10 or higher) - you’re integral to the successful outcome of the encounter.


I’ll disagree to a certain extent.

M+'s are challenging and fun in their own way and additionally, have certain trinkets and weapons that might be better than the ones you get from raids. Blizzard certainly isn’t a stranger to awful trinket balancing.

Also, higher M+ completion awards more residium when you open your weekly chests, allowing you to obtain azerite gear at a quicker pace.

However, I do understand that min/maxing is not everyone’s cup of tea.


Yea i can only raid weekends which limits my options. But honestly i have given up on bfa. Not gonna bust my butt like i have in the past.

Bfa is just not good enough for me. I unsubbed just waiting for my time to run dry.

True. But honestly unless you have a dedicated team for mythic plus. I don’t see 10 plus getting cleared regularly.

At best before the new raid i had 1 pug do a 6 with alot of deaths. And even back in legion i wasn’t seeing pugs on average get past 7s.

Mythic plus is just not friendly to the average player it seems.

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In regards to you and your guild outgearing normals, I fully sympathise. Gearing is way out of whack in this expansion.

Even playing casually will probably outgear a player past normal raids (without even setting foot in it) and into heroic raid territory - all without giving the player requisite skill and experience corresponding to the content they now need to do to get gear upgrades.

A recipe for disaster imo.

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It’s definitely possible to PuG your way into high keys, but it requires a significant amount of time investment.

I certainly understand why someone with limited amounts of play time wouldn’t be interested at all.