There’s a 500lb gorilla in the room when it comes to Lightsmith. Blizz made Paladins too reliant on threat generated from healing. Lightsmith isn’t terrible but it doesn’t do enough damage to outpace DPS in threat because our own absorb shield crockblocks us. Did they even test this stuff?
To answer your question in the title.
None of the Hero Spec for any classes are “PVP trees”.
On any given tree there are at most 2 talents that do things solely for PVP.
For the rest I suppose you’re talking about Prot?
It’s very peculiar, I never depended on healing for threat.
Nor are we dependent on it.
I don’t know where you took that from.
You do need to target the highest DPS for the weapon buff though.
I don’t believe you.
Absolutely perplexing.