Is League of Legends Still Good?

Been thinking about getting back into it again, though I may have to make a new account, got no memory of my old one whatsoever and the e-mail used for it is very likely deleted.

Is it still good?

Download and find out is really the best answer.

Playing solo is like any other online games. It’ll suck the life out of you eventually. Having a group of friends to play with always made the game fun for me.

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tried it the other day… i still think heroes of the storm is better


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Nah, not for me personally. I remembered I loved playing the big egyptian crocodile guy. Forget his name. I love reptiles so… also Warwick was so cool too.


rammus main here

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I started playing this year ! I do mostly Aram and it’s fun. I like how we have so many creative champions to pick and traditionally I am a caster at heart, but I’ve been having a lot of success being tank and frontline melee, hell even being a sin restored my interest in rogue in WoW. Soo I say it’s a great game to play when WoW loses it’s luster!

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Good to know! Thanks guys and naw it’s not for like WoW losing it’s luster, just nice to have a place elsewhere to relax without the stresses of leveling, raiding, a toxic community, farming, etc and my first thought was League of Legends.

it loses it’s luster when there is

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Point made then.